Saturday 6 November 2010

Getting into a routine

A Message from Noelyne...

It's all about routine with a new pup.  Dogs like routine just as much as humans.  My routine has been totally disrupted as a result of the arrival of the new pup and as you know I was resistant to this change at first which was making matters worse for myself, the family and of course Ellie the pup.  Now that I have accepted the situation we, the pup and I and getting into a routine that suits us both.  I'm happier and she is happy too.

I've researched managing pups and am learning, very quickly on what works best.  The house training is going well so long as I am vigilant.  Taking her outside as soon as she has eaten, slept, play or got over excited.  I'm learning to spot the signs of when she needs to elliminate and to get her outside as quickly as possible.  Accidents are still happening but that's to be expected as she is still developing.  It also tends to happen more when other members of the family are with her.  They are learning too and I'm sure they will get tired of mopping up the accidents and will learn fast too.

I'm using a hands off approach to training which suits me very well and she is responding excellently.  I give her lots of praise when she does what I want and then walk away or ignore her if she doesn't behave.  I'm also using a clicker which gives a consistent sound when she does well, rather than relying on my voice which can change.

I'm feeling a change in myself and I'm also seeing changes in behaviour with my partner's two teenagers, as they learn to communicate effectively with a pup.

I'm really enjoying the whole experience however, just need to watch that I don't over do things, which is one of my weaknesses.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Easily Overcome Your Fears
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