Tuesday 9 November 2010

Being called Mummy

A Message from Noelyne....

For the first time in my life I am being called Mummy.  And all because of a little Lab Collie Cross pup called Ellie.  This is so strange as I had given up hope that I would ever hear that word in reference to me.  If you know me well then you will know that for many years I tried to conceive.  Unfortunately despite modern technology this was not to be.

I also understand the reason why so many women get a pet particularly when they are having difficulty conceiving.  It gives you a focus for your love and attention.  It fulfills the built in desire to care and nurture for a living being who is dependant on you for food, warmth and shelter.  I have been nursing my partner back to full health after his operation and when the pup arrived the majority of my time in the first three weeks has been spent caring and tending to the needs of the pup.

Strangely enough my partner is starting to make noises such as you don't hug and cuddle me.  We need to be doing this to stay close.  So this morning after walking, feeding and spending time with Ellie, I had a shower and got back into bed for a cuddle.  His back operation doesn't allow anything more!

A pup is alot of hard work in the beginning however, I am sure it will be all worth it in the end.  Once she has stopped the chewing and manic chasing around like a pup does stage, I am sure that we will have a wonderful addition to the family.  I can hardly wait to talk her out for a proper walk in the park and woods.  Getting very tired of walking around the garden.  She had her final vaccination yesterday.  I'm trusting that a long walk in the coutryside will tire her out.

I wonder if I'll get a mother's day card next year?  It's the one day that really upsets a woman who wanted to be a Mum but couldn't.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears
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