A Message from Noelyne...
Winter has come early to the UK. It's been 18 years since we had a snowy cold November and as ever it's taken us by surprise. Schools close, roads are chaos and Cavity Wall Insulation fitters don't turn up.
I was due to have cavity wall insulation fitted in my rental property yesterday however, they were delayed on a previous job due to the weather so couldn't make it to me. A tad annoying when you plan your diary to accommodate this sort of thing. Even more frustrating was the fact that I had to phone three times before I got a response as to what was happening. Customer service zero. And then they advised that the next time they could call would be 20/12.
There would have been a time when I would have just accepted that however, since the arrival of our pup my tolerance levels for poor service have dropped. It's weird isn't it that looking after a pup can do that. Life rarely fails to amaze me. Anyway several phone calls later the fitters are now planned in for Thursday this week. Fingers crossed.
On another plus it's such fun going for a walk in the snow with the dog, just as well she's all black.
Enjoy the process of life,
P.S. How to overcome your fears now get the Free Special Report here
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Monday, 29 November 2010
Christmas has come early to the Jones household
For the first time ever the Christmas tree has been put up in my house in November. I am normally the sort of person who does not even think about Christmas until December. Bah humbug! However, it's absolutely lovely to hav ethe christmas lights twinkling in the corner of the room. It's been so cold outside with freezing conditions so the tree is brightening up the gloomy November weather.
I'll let you know if I still feel the same in a few weeks time.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Overcome your fears now with my Free Special Report
Sunday, 28 November 2010
What a week!
A Message from Noelyne...
I was just reflecting on last week and it amazes me how lucky I am and how grateful I am for everything in my life. I had a brilliant time at the Training Handover event in Birmingham which enables me to deliver training for the Census 2011. So good to catch up with a few fellow trainers who were part of the team delivering Diversity training last year. I also had an excellent time at the hotel making the most of not having to get out of bed to feed and walk a dog. I just didn't realise how much the past few weeks have takedn out of me.
Time to recharge my batteries and readjust my mental attitude to caring for a pup, or else I'll be aging faster than I would like. So far I've done pretty well at not looking my age, however, I'm starting to feel weary from the early starts. There's no respite for the next ten days either as my partner has gone away to convalesce and get his strength back before he returns to work in January after major surgery on his back.
I also started another new training contract last week which will deliver a communications package into care homes locally. Excellent stuff.
So the boys are with me this week and I feel quite privileged that they opted to stay with me even thought their Dad is away. Yes quite privileged indeed. Although I'm not so chuffed at having to go an pick the 17 year old up at 10pm after he finishes work....it's freezing out there and the car will need to be defrosted. Brrrrr...
A busy week coming up too so I'd better get on a do some planning.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report here
I was just reflecting on last week and it amazes me how lucky I am and how grateful I am for everything in my life. I had a brilliant time at the Training Handover event in Birmingham which enables me to deliver training for the Census 2011. So good to catch up with a few fellow trainers who were part of the team delivering Diversity training last year. I also had an excellent time at the hotel making the most of not having to get out of bed to feed and walk a dog. I just didn't realise how much the past few weeks have takedn out of me.
Time to recharge my batteries and readjust my mental attitude to caring for a pup, or else I'll be aging faster than I would like. So far I've done pretty well at not looking my age, however, I'm starting to feel weary from the early starts. There's no respite for the next ten days either as my partner has gone away to convalesce and get his strength back before he returns to work in January after major surgery on his back.
I also started another new training contract last week which will deliver a communications package into care homes locally. Excellent stuff.
So the boys are with me this week and I feel quite privileged that they opted to stay with me even thought their Dad is away. Yes quite privileged indeed. Although I'm not so chuffed at having to go an pick the 17 year old up at 10pm after he finishes work....it's freezing out there and the car will need to be defrosted. Brrrrr...
A busy week coming up too so I'd better get on a do some planning.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report here
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
How wonderful life is
A message from Noelyne...
How wonderful it is to be able to wake up and not have to get out of bed immediately. I had completely forgotten how good it feels just to lie there enjoying the warmth and comfort of the duvet and contemplate the day ahead.
I've not had a lie in for the last 12 weeks since the pup arrived. However, this week I'm attending a training course and it's residential so I'm staying in a hotel and it's got a pool. It's like a mini holiday and I am making the most of it.
Got to go. Breakfast is waiting. Speak later.
Enjoy the process of life
Noelyne Jones
P.S request a copy if my free special report Www.howtoovercomeyourfears.com
Monday, 22 November 2010
Life Lessons you won't Learn in School
A Message from Noelyne...
A friend just sent me an e-mail with the top eleven points from Bill Gates speech at a High School.
Love him or hate him, he hits the nail on the head with this.
Bill Gates speech at a High School about 11 things they did not and will not learn in school. He talks about how feel-good, politically-correct teachings created a generation of kids with no concept of reality and how this concept sets them up for failure in the real world.
Rule 1 : Life is not fair - get used to it!
Rule 2 : The world doesn't care about your
self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.
Rule 3 : You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.
Rule 4 : If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss
Rule 5 : Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: they called it opportunity.
Rule 6 : If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault , so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.
Rule 7 : Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parents' generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.
Rule 8 : Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.
Rule 9 : Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF. Do that in your own time.
Rule 10 : Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.
Rule 11 : Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.
Enjoy the process of life!
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here and overcome your Fears forever
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Problems or Challenges?
A Message from Noelyne...
In the present moment right now ask yourself 'What is the problem now?'. The answer will be nothing, not in the present moment. Yes you have challenges to face however, in the present moment they don't matter.
So can you choose to view your problems as challenges to overcome? Think of one of your problems and then view it as a challenge, do it now? How do you feel? Do you feel a little apprehensive, maybe excited, determined to overcome the challenge?
How do you want to live your life? With problems? I'll let you decide.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report here
Saturday, 20 November 2010
Overcome Life's Challenges - Part 7 of 7
A Message from Noelyne...
Part 7 of the Overcome Life's Challenges series.Do you listen to life's whisper and act on it? Or do you wait until you hear the scream telling you that what you are doing is not right or you need to take a different path? Get in touch with your feelings and if it feels right go full steam ahead.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Overcome your Fears Forever
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Overcome Life's Challenges - Part 6 of 7
A Message from Noelyne...
Are you in alignment? Are you doing what you want to do? When you are everything fals into place and life runs smoothly. I do a personal alignment check for members of my Personal Achiever's club. If you would like to join get more information here
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here
overcome life's challenges,
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Overcome Life's Challenges - Part 5 of 7
A Message from Noelyne...
Part 5 of the series Overcome Life's Challenges sharing with you words of wisdom and truth about how to live a life successfully.
I like the part about knowing when you have made the right decision and how you feel quiet and peaceful as a result, even is it also makes you sad. I have experienced this when making difficult decisions such as ending a long term relationship. As soon as you make the decision you just know its right and it feels as though a weight has been lifted.
Remember the past has no power over you. Live in the present moment and enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report here
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Overcome Life's Challenges - Part 4 of 7
A Message from Noelyne...
Part 3 of the Overcome LIfe's Challenges series with Deepak Chopra and others.
What is your perception of reality? Do you see comfort or discomfort? Joy or Pain?
What is your focus in life? That's what you get so if you are not getting what you want check out what you are really focusing on? If you keep thinking I don't want....then that's what you are focusing on and that's what will show up!
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. How to Overcome Your Fears Free Special Report - Get your copy here
Part 3 of the Overcome LIfe's Challenges series with Deepak Chopra and others.
What is your perception of reality? Do you see comfort or discomfort? Joy or Pain?
What is your focus in life? That's what you get so if you are not getting what you want check out what you are really focusing on? If you keep thinking I don't want....then that's what you are focusing on and that's what will show up!
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. How to Overcome Your Fears Free Special Report - Get your copy here
face your fears,
overcome life's challenges,
Monday, 15 November 2010
Overcome Life's Challenges - Part 3 of 7
A Message from Noelyne...
How do you want to live your life? Do you have problems or challenges? Do your problems create your identity? What impression do people take away after meeting you?
In the present moment ask yourself 'What is the problem now?'
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report on How to overcome your fears
face your fears,
overcome life's challenges,
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Overcome Life's Challenges - Part 2 of 7
A Message from Noelyne...
Part 2 of the Overcome Life's Challenges video series from influential speakers such as Deepak Chopra and Anthony Robbins.
Let me know your thoughts.
Do you experience lack in your life? Do you look to another person or person's to make you feel complete? Instead of blaming the other person for your own lack, look inward at yourself. How do you view yourself? Do you allow your own light to shine?
How much do you complain about what's happening or not happening in your life? Complaining about such things means you are in denial about your life. You are not living in the present moment and that's all there is. Are you in denial? The present moment is life itself there is nothing else. Stop wishing things were different and enjoy what you have. That way you stand a better chance of eventually getting all those other things you want.
Enjoy the process of life and make sure you overcome life's challenges,
'Let there be light'
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report here
face your fears,
overcome life's challenges,
Saturday, 13 November 2010
Overcome Life's Challenges - Part 1 of 7
A Message from Noelyne...
Hi I just found this series of videos to overcome life's challenges and thought it was very relevant to this blog as it's all about overcoming life's challlenges. I'd be interested to know your thoughts so please feel free to comment.
Part 2 of Overcome Life's Challenges tomorrow.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears here
face your fears,
overcome life's challenges,
Friday, 12 November 2010
Unexpected challenges
How do you respond to unexpected challenges? Do you go straight into panic zone and rush around as though this is the worst thing possible that could happen? Do you get angry and start blaming others for the problem? Or do you calmly figure out what caused the problem and then look for a solution?
There's no doubt that people respond to what happens in very different ways and a lot depends on your emotional development and your experiences in life. Let me give you an example. A family member gets into the shower only to find there's no hot water. A bit of a shock when you are expecting hot water to come out like it always does. Reaction from family member (A) : Is the hot water on? Have you turned it off?
Second family member (B) checks the airing cupboard and yes the hot water is on.
A: Did you get the 5 star insurance?
B: No.
A: (Angrily), Well if you had of done we could have called them out straight away. Goes off in a huff.
B - Thinks for a moment and wonders if the new water meter fitted earlier in the day has caused a problem in the water supply. Phones the water company who believe there could be low water pressure or an air lock in the system and suggest a couple of solutions. B tries these to no avail and arranges for a water technician to call out free of charge as the problem has been caused by the work carried out earlier.
Two different approaches to solving an unexpected problem. How do you respond to unexpected challenges? Do you get annoyed particularly if it stops you from doing what you had planned? Or do you look for the hidden opportunity to do something different? Maybe the challenge has been sent for a reason. Many people were saved from death during the twin towers attack, due to unexpected challenges and situations which meant they were delayed getting to work that day and so were not in the building when the planes hit.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Get a Free copy of my Special Report here to overcome your fears forever
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Being called Mummy
A Message from Noelyne....
For the first time in my life I am being called Mummy. And all because of a little Lab Collie Cross pup called Ellie. This is so strange as I had given up hope that I would ever hear that word in reference to me. If you know me well then you will know that for many years I tried to conceive. Unfortunately despite modern technology this was not to be.
I also understand the reason why so many women get a pet particularly when they are having difficulty conceiving. It gives you a focus for your love and attention. It fulfills the built in desire to care and nurture for a living being who is dependant on you for food, warmth and shelter. I have been nursing my partner back to full health after his operation and when the pup arrived the majority of my time in the first three weeks has been spent caring and tending to the needs of the pup.
Strangely enough my partner is starting to make noises such as you don't hug and cuddle me. We need to be doing this to stay close. So this morning after walking, feeding and spending time with Ellie, I had a shower and got back into bed for a cuddle. His back operation doesn't allow anything more!
A pup is alot of hard work in the beginning however, I am sure it will be all worth it in the end. Once she has stopped the chewing and manic chasing around like a pup does stage, I am sure that we will have a wonderful addition to the family. I can hardly wait to talk her out for a proper walk in the park and woods. Getting very tired of walking around the garden. She had her final vaccination yesterday. I'm trusting that a long walk in the coutryside will tire her out.
I wonder if I'll get a mother's day card next year? It's the one day that really upsets a woman who wanted to be a Mum but couldn't.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears
Monday, 8 November 2010
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Getting into a routine
A Message from Noelyne...
It's all about routine with a new pup. Dogs like routine just as much as humans. My routine has been totally disrupted as a result of the arrival of the new pup and as you know I was resistant to this change at first which was making matters worse for myself, the family and of course Ellie the pup. Now that I have accepted the situation we, the pup and I and getting into a routine that suits us both. I'm happier and she is happy too.
I've researched managing pups and am learning, very quickly on what works best. The house training is going well so long as I am vigilant. Taking her outside as soon as she has eaten, slept, play or got over excited. I'm learning to spot the signs of when she needs to elliminate and to get her outside as quickly as possible. Accidents are still happening but that's to be expected as she is still developing. It also tends to happen more when other members of the family are with her. They are learning too and I'm sure they will get tired of mopping up the accidents and will learn fast too.
I'm using a hands off approach to training which suits me very well and she is responding excellently. I give her lots of praise when she does what I want and then walk away or ignore her if she doesn't behave. I'm also using a clicker which gives a consistent sound when she does well, rather than relying on my voice which can change.
I'm feeling a change in myself and I'm also seeing changes in behaviour with my partner's two teenagers, as they learn to communicate effectively with a pup.
I'm really enjoying the whole experience however, just need to watch that I don't over do things, which is one of my weaknesses.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Easily Overcome Your Fears
It's all about routine with a new pup. Dogs like routine just as much as humans. My routine has been totally disrupted as a result of the arrival of the new pup and as you know I was resistant to this change at first which was making matters worse for myself, the family and of course Ellie the pup. Now that I have accepted the situation we, the pup and I and getting into a routine that suits us both. I'm happier and she is happy too.
I've researched managing pups and am learning, very quickly on what works best. The house training is going well so long as I am vigilant. Taking her outside as soon as she has eaten, slept, play or got over excited. I'm learning to spot the signs of when she needs to elliminate and to get her outside as quickly as possible. Accidents are still happening but that's to be expected as she is still developing. It also tends to happen more when other members of the family are with her. They are learning too and I'm sure they will get tired of mopping up the accidents and will learn fast too.
I'm using a hands off approach to training which suits me very well and she is responding excellently. I give her lots of praise when she does what I want and then walk away or ignore her if she doesn't behave. I'm also using a clicker which gives a consistent sound when she does well, rather than relying on my voice which can change.
I'm feeling a change in myself and I'm also seeing changes in behaviour with my partner's two teenagers, as they learn to communicate effectively with a pup.
I'm really enjoying the whole experience however, just need to watch that I don't over do things, which is one of my weaknesses.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Easily Overcome Your Fears
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
There's a reason for everything
A Message from Noelyne...
If you have been following me and reading my blog over the past few days you will know that I am learning to handle an addition to the family in the form of a nine week old pup. You will also know that I didn't expect to be doing the caring and house training and other training. I though that my partner and the boys would be doing that.
Now that I have accepted my role I am finding that the experience is very enjoyable and I am also learning new things about myself. I got angry and frustrated initially when the pup wouldn't do what I wanted. I have rarely been abgry in my life and in fact find it difficult to get in touch with that emotion no matter what has happened. However, a seven week old pup brough that out in me and of course when you are dealing with a pup you have to learn to control that emotion otherwise it can escalate the unacceptable behaviour.
I'm reading and researching all about communicating with a pup and it's amazing to se how quickly she progresses. I even went to a puppy party on Monday at the local vets clinic where they do a little socialisation and training. The other pups were older than Ellie so were a little more under control. Now that I am reassured and have a few new tips I am much more confident when communicating with the pup. When I am confident and calm then so is the pup. I know what to do once she starts to misbehave and how to stop her from continuing the poor behaviour without shouting, getting angry or touching her.
What I have noticed though is that having got in touch with the anger emotion I am no longer so tolerant of other people's behaviour. For example, I bought a red berry muffin from the fresh bakery of the supermarket only to find that it was frozen in the middle and so could not eat it. My normal reaction would have been to let it defrost and forget all about it. However, I was so angry and disappointed at not being able to eat it staright awayI decided to write to the company. This resulted in an apology, a reassurance that the branch manager had been contacted and an additional 1000 points on my card.
There have been other minor incidents that would not have affected me however, now I am much more aware of taking action when things are not to the standard that I expect. It's not just about me because as I take action and get things changed then it stops other people from receiving poor customer service.
So there's a reason fro everything and I am not only learning to communicate with an animal I am also learning about myself and improving my own behaviour.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here www.howtoovercomeyourfears.com
If you have been following me and reading my blog over the past few days you will know that I am learning to handle an addition to the family in the form of a nine week old pup. You will also know that I didn't expect to be doing the caring and house training and other training. I though that my partner and the boys would be doing that.
Now that I have accepted my role I am finding that the experience is very enjoyable and I am also learning new things about myself. I got angry and frustrated initially when the pup wouldn't do what I wanted. I have rarely been abgry in my life and in fact find it difficult to get in touch with that emotion no matter what has happened. However, a seven week old pup brough that out in me and of course when you are dealing with a pup you have to learn to control that emotion otherwise it can escalate the unacceptable behaviour.
I'm reading and researching all about communicating with a pup and it's amazing to se how quickly she progresses. I even went to a puppy party on Monday at the local vets clinic where they do a little socialisation and training. The other pups were older than Ellie so were a little more under control. Now that I am reassured and have a few new tips I am much more confident when communicating with the pup. When I am confident and calm then so is the pup. I know what to do once she starts to misbehave and how to stop her from continuing the poor behaviour without shouting, getting angry or touching her.
What I have noticed though is that having got in touch with the anger emotion I am no longer so tolerant of other people's behaviour. For example, I bought a red berry muffin from the fresh bakery of the supermarket only to find that it was frozen in the middle and so could not eat it. My normal reaction would have been to let it defrost and forget all about it. However, I was so angry and disappointed at not being able to eat it staright awayI decided to write to the company. This resulted in an apology, a reassurance that the branch manager had been contacted and an additional 1000 points on my card.
There have been other minor incidents that would not have affected me however, now I am much more aware of taking action when things are not to the standard that I expect. It's not just about me because as I take action and get things changed then it stops other people from receiving poor customer service.
So there's a reason fro everything and I am not only learning to communicate with an animal I am also learning about myself and improving my own behaviour.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here www.howtoovercomeyourfears.com
Monday, 1 November 2010
Getting back into a routine
A Message from Noelyne...
For the last two weeks since the new pup arrived my normal daily routine has been totaly disrupted. Who would have thought that something so small could create such havoc? Although I now understand the reason for my mother's comment 'Are you sure about this? Do you realise what you are taking on?'
Well I thought I had prepared but not enough. So Yes Mum you were right! Although in fairness we thought that my partner was going to be able to be much more involved in the daily caring for the new arrival. As it transpires it's best if he keeps away from her altogether as the urge to bend down to her to discipline and show affection is too much and this has created a few aches and pains in his back. We really do not want to undo the terrific work that the surgeon has done. So it's down to little old me.
My lovely routine that keeps me energised and focused and motivated went totally out of the window the moment we brought her home. I know it will get better as she grows and learns the boundaries that we want. In fact the third week is starting to feel much better and I am starting to feel human again. I'm even finding time to brush my teeth!!
Part of the problem for me is that having a pet is not a priority for me. It's my partner's goal and his younger son also wanted a dog too. I knew that I would be involved but not quite to the extent that I am experiencing. She has taken over my life for the past two weeks so much so that my goals and priorities have been forced into second place. Notice I say forced. I was naive enough to think that the dog would fit in with my schedule.....however, when she needs to go she needs to go regardless of what business deal I am making.
She is adorable though and a complete darling and well worth the change of routine. I had no idea it was so wonderful outside in the dark at 6am, with the birds slowly waking up.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears here
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