Tuesday 26 October 2010

Have I taken on too much?

A Message from Noelyne...
I have transformed my life over the past few months from travelling businesswoman to stay at home stepmum and now mum to an 8 week old pup. My partner is still incapacitated due to his back operation and I'm barely keeping my head above water running around caring for the family.

When we discussed adding a puppy to our family I thought it was a terrific idea. The pup was to be my partners dog and part of the family. I knew that for the first few weeks I would be taking care of her as my partner has to be careful with bending and lifting anything. By the end of the first week I was totally stressed out and out of control and all because of a small bundle of very lively fur. I had absolutely no idea how exhausting getting up to feed and walk a pup would be and then keep her entertained throughout the day. Including watching for accidents. Thank heavens we have a cage to put her in occasionally.

I nearly lost my rag the other day when she yet again went straight to the stones on the garden to chew them. I was getting tired of constantly saying No to her in an effort to educate her. I had no idea how demanding it would be. I also didn't really expect to be doing all this educating of a pup myself. I thought it would be my partner. However, it soon became evident that he is not up to being with her due to the temptation to bend down to stroke and discipline, which pulls his back too much and was in danger of undoing the good that the surgeon has done.

I had been resistant to taking on yet another task and I was struggling with it and of course this was coming out in my body language and creating problems with the pup. I realised that it was actually my role and responsibility to train her. This helped me to switch my mindset and work out how I could fit her into my daily routine or rather fit my routine around her!

The last two days have been much easier. It's all about acceptance and responsibility.

Enjoying the process of life,

Noelyne Jones
P.S. How to overcome your fears Free Special Report - Get your copy here
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