A Message from Noelyne...
When you are very busy with many things on the go, places to be, people to see, things to do you tend to live your life in a highly charged emotional state. It can feel exciting, challenging and a little scary all at the same time. It also means that the slightest thing can knock you off track. Something that normally would not have any impact and you would take in your stride. However, when you get into a highly emotionally charged state through taking on many activities it's easy to allow the small stuff to affect you.
Let me explain by giving you an example. Life has been pretty hectic for me over the past few months and even though at times I have wished that certain things had not happened i.e. my rental house being trashed, I have loved sorting all the problems and taking action. I've been living in the fast lane of life and it's exhilarating. The other day my mother phoned to check that it was still OK for her to visit this week. In the next sentence she said by the way I've sent you a birthday card however, I've not put a cheque in it as I've been spending a lot. I'll have to get you something at Christmas. Now she's not sent birthday gifts in the past and I've not been bothered. This time I felt quite upset and disappointed and nearly rang her back to say don't bother coming to visit. Toys out of pram! It was a rather large and significant birthday after all. It played on my mind for a number of hours after the telephone conversation.
Anyway I pulled myself together and brushed it off. I'm lucky to have a Mum who can visit and she has been very good to me. I eventually went to sleep and forgot all about it.
I had a fantastic birthday with all the trimmings - Flowers, chocolates, Champagne and a balloow ride planned for next year in America. However, I could have allowed my mother's words to ruin what turned out to be a fantastic day. It really is not worth allowing other people's behaviour, words, action to upset your day.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here www.howtoovercomeyourfears.com
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