A Message from Noelyne....
If you want to improve your patience then get a pup. My levels are being tested to the limit. I know that impatience is one of my weaknesses. When I take on a task I am keen to get it completed as quickly as possible to the highest possible quality too. Training a pup to behave and fit into our family is like nothing I have ever done before. It is a totally different style of training. You have to keeprepeating the same thing over and over again until they understand what it is that you want.
We want the pup to fit into our family and you can see that the pup wants to fit in too. She follows me everywhere and wants my attention most of the time. We have a pretty strong connection going on. The thing that is really really challenging my patience is the 'peeing' in the house. We go for a walk around the garden and she does her business. We come back in and she promptly pee's on the floor again. It really is testing me and pushing me to my limits.
So I keep telling myself that it will be worth it in the end and continue the routine of calmy and assertively saying 'No' and putting her outside the moment she does it, that's if I catch her of course! How come we have trained her to sit and come so easily yet peeing in the house.....
Still enjoying the process of life!
Noelyne Jones
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