Thursday, 28 October 2010

How to improve your patience

A Message from Noelyne....

If you want to improve your patience then get a pup.  My levels are being tested to the limit.  I know that impatience is one of my weaknesses.  When I take on a task I am keen to get it completed as quickly as possible to the highest possible quality too.  Training a pup to behave and fit into our family is like nothing I have ever done before.  It is a totally different style of training.  You have to keeprepeating the same thing over and over again until they understand what it is that you want.

We want the pup to fit into our family and you can see that the pup wants to fit in too.  She follows me everywhere and wants my attention most of the time.  We have a pretty strong connection going on.  The thing that is really really challenging my patience is the 'peeing' in the house.  We go for a walk around the garden and she does her business.  We come back in and she promptly pee's on the floor again.  It really is testing me and pushing me to my limits.

So I keep telling myself that it will be worth it in the end and continue the routine of calmy and assertively saying 'No' and putting her outside the moment she does it, that's if I catch her of course!  How come we have trained her to sit and come so easily yet peeing in the house.....

Still enjoying the process of life!

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Overcome your fears easily with my Free Special Report

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Total Disruption

A Message from Noelyne....

We thought we had done what we needed in preparation for the arrival of the new pup, so that there would be minimal disruption.  We bought all the essentials and prepared an area of the house for her cage and bed so that she had a place of her own.  It soon became evident that the conservatory was not the ideal place due to the whimpering at night and the fact that this could be heard by the neighbours.  So we moved the cage into the kitchen and for the next three nights her bed was moved up to the bedroom so that I could soothe her as necessary and also get some sleep myself.

By the fourth night we moved her back downstairs and since then she has slept through the night.  I am very thankful that she has settled in so well.  However, as she is settling in she is becoming more daring and is now chewing anything and everything.  I've taped down wires, protected the edges of my wooden cabinets and removed the rug from the conservatory.  The original aim was to have her in the conservatory only until she is old enough to live outside in a kennel.  I was doing my best to keep her in the conservatory and then realised that my partner had already allowed her into the kitchen.  So now I've taped everything in the Kitchen and Dining room too.  She will not be allowed anywhere else in the house!

Still enjoying the process of life!
Noelyne Jones

P.S. Send for a copy of me Free Special Report on overcoming your fears click here

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Have I taken on too much?

A Message from Noelyne...
I have transformed my life over the past few months from travelling businesswoman to stay at home stepmum and now mum to an 8 week old pup. My partner is still incapacitated due to his back operation and I'm barely keeping my head above water running around caring for the family.

When we discussed adding a puppy to our family I thought it was a terrific idea. The pup was to be my partners dog and part of the family. I knew that for the first few weeks I would be taking care of her as my partner has to be careful with bending and lifting anything. By the end of the first week I was totally stressed out and out of control and all because of a small bundle of very lively fur. I had absolutely no idea how exhausting getting up to feed and walk a pup would be and then keep her entertained throughout the day. Including watching for accidents. Thank heavens we have a cage to put her in occasionally.

I nearly lost my rag the other day when she yet again went straight to the stones on the garden to chew them. I was getting tired of constantly saying No to her in an effort to educate her. I had no idea how demanding it would be. I also didn't really expect to be doing all this educating of a pup myself. I thought it would be my partner. However, it soon became evident that he is not up to being with her due to the temptation to bend down to stroke and discipline, which pulls his back too much and was in danger of undoing the good that the surgeon has done.

I had been resistant to taking on yet another task and I was struggling with it and of course this was coming out in my body language and creating problems with the pup. I realised that it was actually my role and responsibility to train her. This helped me to switch my mindset and work out how I could fit her into my daily routine or rather fit my routine around her!

The last two days have been much easier. It's all about acceptance and responsibility.

Enjoying the process of life,

Noelyne Jones
P.S. How to overcome your fears Free Special Report - Get your copy here
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Thursday, 21 October 2010

Top 10 Energy Boosters

A Message from Noelyne...

Some basic energy boosters to get into the habit of doing daily.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Free Special Report here

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Poor Health Low Energy

A Message from Noelyne...

Do you wish you had more energy?  Do you have a health condition that you believe stops you from having more energy? Do you feel sorry for yourself as a result?  What if you believed that you could have more energy despite having a health condition?

Don't underestimate the power of the mind to overcome problems including poor health and low energy.  Don't believe me?  You think I'm a bit crazy and talking nonsense?  Give it a go and see what happens.  What have you got to lose?  What if it works and just by believing that you can improve your health and have more energy it actually happens?

Remeber the famous quote by Napolean Hill 'What the mind can conceive and the heart can believe, you can achieve'

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here
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Friday, 15 October 2010

Is it time for you to change?

A Message from Noelyne...

Do you pick up on the signals from the Universe telling you it's time to change?  Or do you sit there and complain and moan about how awful life is and how terrible it is that this and that has happened?  Do you react positively to change?  Or are you someone who sees the worst in every situation?  Maybe it's time for you to change your thinking?

Watch the video and have a re-think of your situation.

Enjoy the process of life! Sometimes things happen that we think we don't want and they are not good. Next time that happens look for the opportunity. In every problem there is an opportunity.

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Take an opportunity to receive an excellent Free Report to overcome your fears and get successful now.
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Thursday, 14 October 2010

No Time for Myself

A Message from Noelyne....

I here this so often from women who are running around ragged trying to care for everyone else except themselves.  When you say you have no time for yourself, you are putting everyone else first.  Basically you value other people more than you do your self.

Whilst running a workshop on getting successful I explained to participants the way I organise my week on a Sunday with all the tasks and things I want to do, meetings I need to attend etc etc.  On a daily basis I make a list of things to do and then grade them A - Must do, B - Need to do but don't have to do today, C - Can be put off until another time.  I then focus on the A's and if I finish those I'll move to the B's.  That way I make sure the essentials get done.

One of the particpants then came back with a 'That's all very well however, I never have time to relax and meditate etc.'  My response is that it depends on how much you value yourself and doing things for yourself.  For me exercising and meditation is an A task every day.  That's because I know when I don't do those things the other tasks suffer anyway as I am not as productive.

Do you know what things you need to do to make sure you reach your full potential every day?  Do you include those activities in your daily list of things to do?  Do you value yourself?

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Overcome your fears now with my Free Special Report

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Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Don't Allow Other People to Upset You

Greeting Card Birthday 1840Image via Wikipedia
A Message from Noelyne...

When you are very busy with many things on the go, places to be, people to see, things to do you tend to live your life in a highly charged emotional state.  It can feel exciting, challenging and a little scary all at the same time.  It also means that the slightest thing can knock you off track.  Something that normally would not have any impact and you would take in your stride.  However, when you get into a highly emotionally charged state through taking on many activities it's easy to allow the small stuff to affect you.

Let me explain by giving you an example.  Life has been pretty hectic for me over the past few months and even though at times I have wished that certain things had not happened i.e. my rental house being trashed, I have loved sorting all the problems and taking action.  I've been living in the fast lane of life and it's exhilarating.  The other day my mother phoned to check that it was still OK for her to visit this week.  In the next sentence she said by the way I've sent you a birthday card however, I've not put a cheque in it as I've been spending a lot.  I'll have to get you something at Christmas.  Now she's not sent birthday gifts in the past and I've not been bothered.  This time I felt quite upset and disappointed and nearly rang her back to say don't bother coming to visit.  Toys out of pram!  It was a rather large and significant birthday after all.  It played on my mind for a number of hours after the telephone conversation. 

Anyway I pulled myself together and brushed it off.  I'm lucky to have a Mum who can visit and she has been very good to me. I eventually went to sleep and forgot all about it.

I had a fantastic birthday with all the trimmings - Flowers, chocolates, Champagne and a balloow ride planned for next year in America.  However, I could have allowed my mother's words to ruin what turned out to be a fantastic day.  It really is not worth allowing other people's behaviour, words, action to upset your day.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here

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Sunday, 10 October 2010

Starting Over without Him 10, Letting Go

A Message from Noelyne....

Letting go of a relationship that is over is one of the hardest things to do when starting over without him.  You keep thinking of all the good times and wish you could have those back.  The sense of loss can almost be too much and you think that you will never be happy again.  You don't want to let go for fear of never finding any happiness in a relationship again.  In fact the thought of starting a new relationship may make you feel quite sick and want to run for the duvet covers.  So not letting go is a way of keeping the dream and hope alive.  It's a way of avoiding acceptance of the situation and of not starting over without him.  If this is where you are right now then take a look at the words on the video and listen to the song lyrics.  Be warned you may need a box of tissues.

I noticed one response 'drowning yourself in tears is a waste of time'. And that may be the case for some people. You can get to a point where you feel you have cried enough and that you never want to cry again so if you continue to cry it can have a negative effect. However, in my world crying is a great way of letting go of the emotions that build up inside during and after a breakdown of a relationship. So go ahead and cry and know that it is part of letting go and the healing process. It's an important part of starting over without him.

All the best,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. If you have a fear of letting go request a copy of my Free Special Report by entering your name and e-mail address here
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Saturday, 9 October 2010

Learning from Experience

Sunrise on Blue River At 3 A.M.Image by Yellow Snow Photography via Flickr
A Message from Noelyne...

There is no substitute for experience when it comes to learning and development.  That's in my opinion of course.  In the training room Kolb's experiential learning cycle is often referred to when helping students understand how they learn and encouraging people to reflect on experiences so that you learn from them.  This is particularly useful for bad, unwanted or unplanned experiences as you can turn a negative into a positive, work out what you would do differently so that you can act or behave differently the next time if faced with a similar situation.

The choices that I have made this year have given me even more opportunities to learn from experience.  Thankfully there have been more planned and wanted experiences than the unplanned.

Thank you for dropping by and do let me know if there is a particular topic or issue that you would like to see covered here.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Remember to request a copy of my Free Special Report here
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Friday, 8 October 2010

Motivation and Change video

A Message from Noelyne.....
Another inspirational video for you.

How will you be the change you wish to see today?
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Peace of Mind

A peaceful sunset by the sea is one of the sym...Image via Wikipedia
A Message from Noelyne....

The last few days since my partner came out of hospital have been challenging, which has been quite a surprise to me.  It's all about change and disruption to normal routines and of course seeing someone you love in considerable pain.  And for some reason I have not been handling things as well as I could.  And it's starting to show in my behaviour in that I felt irritable going to bed.  I know the theory yet the reality and experience can sometimes get the better of you....if you allow it to.  Do you find that happens to you?  You know that you should be feel grateful and happy and calm yet you are disrupted and it's a struggle to overcome the irritability and stop the tension from growing inside.  You know that you have chosen to do this and you wouldn't really have it any other way yet you feel tense and tired and out of sorts?

So I grabbed 10 mins before breakfast to sit in the conservatory and do a little meditation.  I've got out of the habit of doing this over the past few months by allowing other things to take priority.  During my meditation I identified a couple of things that are probably the cause of the problem.  Thankfully they are both short term situations and I know they will change although I'm not sure when.  Lets hope sooner rather than later.

On the radio they were talking about peace of mind and that describes exactly what I don't have right now.  I know this because I did have it and this isn't it.  Do you know what it feels like to have complete peace of mind?

What can you do if you don't have peace of mind?  Change something.  Either yourself or the problem.  The fact that you are aware that you don't have peace of mind is the first step, so well done.  Now you can take responsibility to get peace of mind.  Imagine what it will feel like when you do have it.  What will be happening?  What will you be doing and saying?

What's stopping you from having peace of mind now?  Identify the cause of the problem then look for a solution and take action.  If it's a short term situation that's causing the lack of peace of mind, you can choose to accept the situation knowing that it will get better.  In the meantime manage your own peace of mind through meditation or whatever you do to help you feel calm and relaxed.  Here's a few additional suggestions:
  • go for a walk, go for a swim, yoga, pilates, breathing exercises
  • affirmations or positive self talk
  • have a cup of tea, glass of wine and put your feet up
  • have a massage
  • go shopping
  • spend at least 10 minutes a day alone, turn the radio and TV off and just be.
Enjoy finding your peace of mind,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. You can get a Free Copy of my Special Report on How to Easily Overcome Your Fears here

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Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Quote of the day

Ralph Waldo Emerson - SuccessImage by mmc154 via Flickr
A Message from Noelyne...
"Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success. When you do a thing, do it with all your might. Put your whole soul into it. Stamp it with your own personality. Be active, be energetic, be enthusiastic and faithful, and you will accomplish your object. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report to set you on the path to success
Click here

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Is this one challenge too much to overcome?

A Message from Noelyne....

I'm only one week into caring for my partner and my brain feels addled.  How do you cope with caring responsibilities, working full time and having a life?  My hat is well and truly off to people who do this.

I know I can handle whatever happens and it's about adjusting my approach to life for the time being.  That's the things at least I know he will recover.  Many people face a lifetime of caring for someone who will continue to be dependent on them.

My priorities have changed.  My focus is caring for my partner and assisting his return to full health.  And of course looking after the needs of the boys. Whilst preparing for my partner to go into hospital I knew that it would be different and that I would have sole responsibility and you think that you can handle it and continue with daily routines.  However, it's only when you actually get there that you really find out what it's like.

The thing that has dropped down my list of priorities is my business.  I am fortunate that I am in a position to allow this to happen.  I can keep things ticking over in just 30 mins a day.  I'm going to have to postpone my action plan in terms of business building however, it's only for a short period.  At the end of the day I value my partner and my family more than I do my business.  They are all important it's just that my family come first.

So to answer my question: Is this one challenge too much to overcome?  If I continued to put unreasonable demands on myself and have too high of expectations then the answer is 'YES'.  Even I have my limits.

So to ensure you overcome your challenges the important thing is to know what is important, know your limits and prioritise.  Then put your heart and soul into what you have chosen to do.

It must be time for his next cup of tea.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my FREE Special Report - How to Overcome Your Fears
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Monday, 4 October 2010

A new role

A Message from Noelyne...

Life continues to throw challenges for me to overcome.  Just when you thought everything was sorted along comes another situation to handle.  Since coming back from holiday in August I've been working full time on a training design contract, getting used to living with my partner and his two teenage sons, overcoming the problems caused by the ex-tenant at my rental property and handling my partner's stress levels whilst he was waiting to go into hospital for major surgery on his back.  And now that he is out of hospital I have a new role of nurse.

I'm now overcoming the challenges of looking after a loved one who is still in pain from the operation and confined to bed for the time being.  It's not easy to understand what the other person is feeling and there have been a couple of occasions when I have misinterpreted his request.  Have you done that?  You think the person is joking or messing around, like they normally do and you fail to notice that they are being serious perhaps because you have put your mind to something else.  Then it's fireworks as pain and stress of managing the pain explode because they are not egtting what they need staright away.  I'm learning to respond immediately just in case.

At least it confirms that I was right not to follow a profession as a nurse or carer.  I admire people in those professions even more now.

Thankfully, my training contract has come to an end now and I can focus on caring full-time.

I'll keep you updated with progress,


P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here