Tuesday, 3 February 2015

How to Influence Others - Perception

A Message from Noelyne....

What is perception?
 Most will say it's about the way you see something.

Perception is accomplished by taking information in through all of our senses and using this information to interpret the situation, recognise potential threats and decide how best to proceed.

How might peoples' perceptions of you impact your ability to influence them?

If they perceive you to be influential, they may be more likely to go along with your ideas. If they like you, they might be more likely to believe you. If you value the same things, they might be more inclined to listen to you.

Everyone has influence. Some influence people unintentionally and others influence people intentionally. Those with a greater degree of self-awareness are able to identify how they are perceived by other people and how to change those perceptions when necessary. This is a vital skill when your aim is to influence people in specific ways.

What do you see?

Some will see a vase or cup first, others will see the profiles of two people facing each other. We take in the information through our senses and interpret it's meaning.  This will be different for different people.

Two people going through the same experience will often have different stories to tell. Each will have taken in information in different ways, will have noticed different things and created different meanings. A lot will depend on past experience, also values and beliefs. When someone has had a bad past experience in a similar situation to the one they are now facing, it will often affect their perception of the current situation creating a negative meaning.  This can be evident when people are going through change. If there is strong resistance it could be due to previous bad experiences of change.

How do others perceive you?  If you are not sure then you need to ask some people you know and trust for some feedback.

Enjoy the process of life,


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