A Message from Noelyne...
When it comes to Influence, Robert Cialdini is a well known expert and author on the topic. In his book 'Influence - The Power of Persuasion' he introduces his 6 Rules of Influencing.
If you do something for someone, they are likely to feel better about doing something for you in return. They might even feel obliged to help you in future.
Commitment and Consistency:
Once people make a commitment then they are less likely to change their mind due to the desire to be consistent which seems to be in built in us. People don't want to lose face particularly where they have made a public commitment. That's why you are encouraged to write goals down to increase the likelihood of achievement.
Social Proof:
When people see others doing something, they feel better about doing it themselves. It's a bit like the lemmings scenario.
People respond well to people they like.
People react positively to authority figures if they respect them.
People are more interested in things that are difficult to obtain or might run out. That's why you see so many adverts stating that time is running out. Buy now while stocks last. This offer will not be repeated again! Special price for the first 20 people only! etc etc
Consider how you might be able to use these rules to enhance your influencing skills.
Enjoy the process of life,
P.S. Get a copy of my book 'How to Overcome Life's Challenges' here www.howtofindconfidence.com
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