Tuesday 15 February 2011

Is your past holding you back?

A Message from Noelyne...

Do you continue to punish yourself for things which have happened in the past?  Do you carry bad feelings around with you like painful baggage for years and years?  Do you deny yourself the life you truly deserve because you believe you don’t deserve good things?

Many of the people I work with in my coaching practice come to me because they want to be more successful, more confident and get what they want in life.  And I can guarantee that for each one it will be something from their past that is holding them back.  Is your past holding you back?

To be successful you need to let go of your past and start with a clean slate for today, in order to have a fantastic new future.   It’s just like planting a new garden – you have to remove some of the debris, stones and old weeds. 'Getting rid of the old to make room for the new'.  Then start planting seeds.

In my achiever's club I have lessons dedicate to letting go of the past.  Part of this is forgiving yourself and others for past events.  Doing this will make it much easier to move forward into the future. It helps you to build a solid new foundation to create the life you truly want to live.    It's not easy to create the wonderful new life you desire if you are holding on to past experiences and resentment for what has happened.  When you focus on painful relationships, broken agreements and unresolved issues you are reliving those feelings and allowing the past to exist now.

If you don’t clean up your past and make peace with it you cause emotions such as hopelessness, resentment, sarcasm, cynicism, loneliness, or emptiness.

Are you so attached to what happened in the past that you really don’t want to let it go?  Perhaps it is because you have longed for some resolution, an apology or a different outcome.  And so, instead of letting go and moving on, you choose to hold onto your pain, your grudges as you don’t want to give up on what you believe you are owed.  The problem with this approach is that if you need someone else to do something before you have closure, there is a good chance that you will never get it!  The other person probably moved on long ago and is creating a new life for themselves.  By holding on to past resentment you are continuing to allow the other person to have power over you.  The only person who suffers is you.  Are you giving this person the power to rule your life?

Holding onto your past is like collecting news paper articles from 10, 20,30, years ago and carrying them with you wherever you go.  Would you choose to read these newspapers every day going over each upsetting story in your head over and over again? Would you carry these papers with you from job to job, relationship to relationship? Would you repeat the stories in these newspapers to your friends over and over again?
If you would like to know more about letting go of your past why not check out my Achievers club here

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report to Overcome Your Fears in 7 Days

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