Saturday 29 January 2011

The past does not have to equal the future

A Message from Noelyne...

Is your past holding you back?  Do you blame your past experiences for your lack of success?  Do you say things like 'I would have been so successful if I had had a better childhood' or 'If only my parents had been more outgoing and confident'.  Do you blame a relationship that you have or had for your current situation?  Do you still feel hurt and angry because of the way someone treated you?

There are many experiences and situations in your past that you can blame for your lack of success, if you choose to.  The problem with blame and focusing on the bad experiences is that you are re-living those experiences now.  You are allowing past experiences to continue to affect you in the here and now, which in turn holds you back from achieving better experiences and success.  Being aware of this means that you can choose to change your thoughts.  It's not easy to begin with as you will catch your mind wandering back to the past.  You need to discipline your mind to think good thoughts, positive thoughts, thoughts of what you want to achieve.

So do you see how the past does not have to equal the future?  Stop focusing on the bad experiences of the past and start thinking about what you want instead.  All the wonderful things that you want to happen.  Don't worry about how you will achieve them.  You just need to start thinking about what you want. 

The past is exactly that - the past.  It's over and done with.  You are unable to change what actually happened however, you can change the way you feel about what happened so that you allow yourself to be happy now.  Being happy in the moment means you will attract more happiness for the future.  Make a list of the things you are grateful for right now.  No matter how small or insignificant they seem, just list or say out loud.  I am grateful for......

The more you do this the more you will start to leave the past behind.  Fill your mind with positive, happy thoughts so that there's no room for dwelling on things that make you sad or hurt or angry.

Remember the past does not have to equal the future.  The choice is yours.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears in 7 days
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