Tuesday 11 January 2011

How to motivate yourself in January

A Message from Noelyne...

Do you struggle to get out of bed on a dark cold January morning?  Do you feel tired even after a good nights sleep?  Is it easier just to put things off until tomorrow?  Are you feeling numb after the excesses of the festive season?  Fighting off that virus that everyone else seems to have.  Bills to pay and nothing to look forward to.  January can be one of the most challenging months.  Thankfully there's lots of easy ways to stay motivated and get successful even in January.

If you have already identified what you want to achieve this year then it will be easier for you to get out of bed and take the action.  Knowing what you want is your key ingredient for success.  If you have a strong reason why then you will overcome those unresourceful thoughts that want you to stay in bed, or put your feet up in front of the TV.  A compelling goal motivates you to action.  You know that if you don't take action it won't happen.

If you are not that bothered about achieving your goal then those stay in bed  thoughts will be harder to overcome and will probably win.

So what's your reason why?  Is it a holiday of a lifetime, a new car, moving house, paying for your child to go to university, creating income while you sleep?  Whatever it is the moment you have a thought or feeling that says it's all too much then think of your reason why and notice the change in your physiology.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Check out my on-line Achievers Club Success programme for additional motivation and inspiration.  Click here

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