Tuesday 4 January 2011

How to Get What You Want

A Message from Noelyne....

Many personal development professionals and achievement coaches will encourage you to set goals now as you start 2011, focus on what you really want and chart a course to get you there.  And for many people this approach works particularly if you have something specific that you want to achieve  like getting to your ideal weight or increasing the amount of exercise you take or de-cluttering the house.  It's good to have daily goals that you want to achieve.  I create a daily list of things to do and absolutely love crossing them off as I achieve them.  A huge sense of satisfaction.

When it comes to achieving bigger things in your life such as moving house, changing jobs, getting a promotion, finding a life partner, increasing your income and achieving the life of your dreams I encourage you to take a more adventurous approach.  It's much easier to do and great fun.  There's no stress involved as there's no such thing as failure with this approach, just taking advantage of every opportunity in tghe knowledge that you are moving to where you want to be.

1.  Give thanks that life is... just as it is and that it's been... just as it's been. Because of life and your experiences you are now ready.

2. Define what you want in terms of the end result.  Don't worry about how you will achieve it. Know that what you want is already.  Focus on the certainty of it happening, imagine it in all it's finest detail.

3. Let the universe show you the way via your impulses and instincts that appear as you take inspired action. Don't worry that your first steps seem silly or futile. And if you don't know what to do, do anything! Go! Get busy! Do not insist on intermediary successes, only upon the end result.

2011 is going to be your year (it already is),

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here to overcome your fears now

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