Monday 24 January 2011


A Message from Noelyne...

I'm currently delivering training on the Census 2011.  I've been skilled up to do this so have a good knowledge of the subject however, I'm not a subject matter expert.  This is unusual for me as the majority of courses that I deliver I have a large amount of experience and knowledge.

Bearing in mind that the Census happens every 10 years, the project last for a few weeks and employs 35,000 + people who need to be trained to carry out their roles, it's unlikely that you would find suficient numbers of trainer with expert knowledge of the Census to deliver the training across the UK during January - March.

However, this does not stop the delegates turning up with an expectation that the trainer is a subject matter expert.  The problem with high expectations is that it leads to disappointment.  People feel let down that their questions are not answered.  Of course with these events there is the added complication that the training is part of the recruitment process so people are not employed until they have successfully completed the training.  Needless to say we are unable to release all the information until contracts have been signed.

How to deal with this as a trainer?  Be open and honest at the start.  Manage the expectations, handle questions as best as you can, encourage participants to make a note of all the things they need to follow up on.  Explain that this is part of their learning journey and that they will have full access to guidance and support once thwy are on contract.  If you have a subject matter expert available, phone them for advice.

Enjot the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report to Overcome Your Fears now
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