A Message from Noelyne...
The How to Overcome Anything Toolkit - Zeal.
I've chosen Zeal for the final letter of the How to Overcome Anything Toolkit. Other words to describe Zeal are fervour, keeness and enthusiasm which explains my reason for choosing it for the last in my toolkit blogs. If you demonstrate enthusiasm and keeness in whatever you are doing first of all you will enjoy what you are doing much more and secondly, whoever is near you will be influenced by your enthusiasm.
When you are faced with a challenge, problem or goal you want to achieve it's a good idea before you start to check how you feel about taking the action. Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being low enthusiasm and 10 being highly enthusiastic. Ideally you need to be at 10. When you live your life at 10 you know that you are doing what you really really want to do. Life flows easily, you demonstrate passion, energy and commitment to the task. Enthusiasm will be oozing out of you...easily and naturally.
I much prefer to work with people who are really interested in doing well, getting great results and achieving their potential. In the training room it makes the trainer's job a lot easier when the participants are enthusiastic and want to learn. When interviewing someone for a job the intreviewer's are far more likely to choose someone who is keen to do well. When you show interest and enthusiasm when around friends they are far more likely to want to spend more time with you.
Have a think about your own behaviour. Do you come across as enthusiastic? Do you give your full attention in the moment? Or are you busy thinking about all the things you need to do later and so appear distracted and not interested in the people you are with? What impact do you make on people when you are with them?
What impression do you want to create? What impression do you want to leave with the people you meet? Enthusiastic or dull?
Not sure how to create a better impression? Not sure how to raise your enthusiasm for the task in hand? The Personal Achiever's Club is where you need to be. I'll show you how to create an amazing first impression easily and to feel enthusiastic about everything you choose to do and you get to meet and learn from others who are experts at creating an awesome impact and presence and getting the results that they want in life. You can too!
Details of the club launch date will be released soon. In the meantime, request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears in 7 Easy Steps and you will also get first hand updates on what's happening. Click here to get the report.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Remember to request the Free Report here
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