Friday, 30 April 2010

Problems to Expect When You Try to Achieve Your Goals

And you think YOU have problems...Image by emkeller via Flickr
A Message from Noelyne...

Problems to Expect When You Try to Achieve Your Goals

Every person may not be fully aware that all successful people have experienced problems that, at more than one time, demotivated them enough to decide to quit. Hindrances are inevitable in every successful person's life, so you should always expect several to come your way as you try to achieve your goals. Here are some of the things to expect soon.

Financial Setbacks
Money is often the main problem that hinders people from achieving their dreams. There are challenges that arise that require a lot of financial capital or support. The problem for most individuals is that they can't seem to find the proper source to adequately maintain their needs for a variety of projects. Politicians are one of the most common people who need financial support all the time to fund their programs, campaigns and donations.

The main idea is to learn how to wait for the right opportunity, to avoid exhausting your resources too soon and unwisely. It is important to consider other things that will help you survive for the long term. If you're going into business, you should prepare for the startup capital, as well as operational expenses to support the company until it is ready to stand independently. Make sure you plan and review everything before investing.

Problems with People

Even though you may already be ready for different types of challenges at different times, others may not be as cooperative or as capable as you. Each person has unique needs and aspirations, so as a leader, you need to focus on these first to gain their interest and help. People who are selfish or unwilling to work with you can have traits that can cause the company to collapse. Some of the negative characteristics include dishonesty, being rebellious and laziness. All these can hinder your progress and keep you from reaching your goals.

It is important to develop leadership skills, so that you can adequately encourage and motivate all your people to help you reach certain objectives. Give them missions and functions that best suit their own strengths and capabilities. Understand and get to know other people better so that you can expand the network fully, opening more opportunities in the process. Talk to other successful individuals and learn from their own experience, mistakes and personal techniques. These people usually are more than willing to share their wisdom with you.

Problems with Nature

The forces of nature are truly inevitable so you always need to have a second or third backup plan ready for these. Some of the things to expect are bad weather, accidents, disease, economic crisis, death, theft, fraud, scandals and change in the system or government. Try to create plans and objectives that are flexible. You can set deadlines for your projects, but make sure that you still have other ways around if the unstoppable occurs.

Natural forces are part of life so you will encounter these as long as you have goals. Even those without goals
need to deal with these aspects. The most important thing is that you do not lose steam and stay motivated and fired up to reach your goals, no matter the cost. Find alternatives and other people who can help you deal and cope during setbacks. Learn from your experience and stay prepared for repeat incidents.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report How to Easily Overcome Your Fears Now

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Thursday, 29 April 2010

A Message from Noelyne...

How to Achieve Your Goals If You're Born to Lose

Some individuals are just born losers, which mean that these people are bound to fail more than others.
If you think that you belong in that category, then you a change of pace to start enjoying life more fully.
There are some approaches that have been tried and proven by the experts and pros. You might find that you're not such a big loser after all.

Understanding Yourself

Take a pen and paper and give yourself a brief evaluation. Write down the things that you believe are your strengths and weaknesses. It is very likely that you have more items in your weakness list compared to the ones in your strengths list if you are a born loser. Next, try to write down the reasons why you have the strength or weakness. For example, if you listed down "Patient" in your strength list, put some more specific details such as "I am willing to wait several months to save for a new mp3 player" or if you wrote down "Lazy" in your weakness list, you can correlate by stating "I do not like to wake up until after 10 in the morning."

Knowing the specifics of your strengths and weaknesses can help you become more adept in improving the
hindrances. It is vital that you know and understand how you can use your strengths as foundation, as well as turn your weaknesses into strengths gradually. You can aim to change one to three weaknesses at a time.

Changing Your Weaknesses

You need to give yourself time to improve on your weaknesses. Be specific in your action plan by creating
steps toward your goal. For example, if you are "weakened" by "Lack of focus", you can start enhancing in
that area by doing activities like "Reading more books about the matter for at least 30 minutes a day" or
"Listening to a person talk for at least 1 minute before losing focus." Improve in the activities regularly by increasing the time frame and adding more challenges.

Learning from Winners

It is recommended that you stick with individuals who are successful and born winners. This way, you can
adapt their habits and personality that will, in time, lead to nonstop success. Winners and leaders have great traits that you can follow, such as perseverance, critical thinking, stability under pressure, competence and the aspiration to never give up. Adopt these qualities as your own and use the individuals as your role models.

Read about people who have successfully made it in their chosen fields of interest. One of the reasons why you may fail constantly is because you are choosing the aspects where you are worst at. Try to ask yourself
the things that you truly care about or even study and review without anyone needing to tell you to. These are
the features that you are most likely talented in.

Remembering Success

Should you encounter success or achieve your goals, use these as motivational tools to remind you that you are always capable of gaining bigger benefits from larger tasks. Look back on your previous accomplishments and use these finished objectives to lead to your ultimate goal. It is also wise to expect failure once in a while,
but you should use this as a way to learn. Failure should always be an opportunity for you to do better the next time.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of a Free Special Report on How to Overcome your Fears Easily
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Tuesday, 27 April 2010

How to Achieve What You Want in Life in 4 Easy Steps

A Message from Noelyne...

How to Achieve What you Want in Life in 4 easy Steps

If you truly want to become successful, you need to have the right attitude and mindset to achieve. There are several ways to do this and you may be surprised to learn that you have everything you need within in to achieve what you want.

Step 1 - Begin with the End in Mind

Importance of Visualization

The goal starts from within. You need to have a burning desire and passion for the things that you want to achieve. This way, you will constantly store the thoughts and ideas in your mind, which will lead to your success. If your desire is weak, the results that you get will also be weak or delayed, because you won't feel compelled to take action . First of all you need to be very clear about what it is that you want.

Visualize yourself being successful in your objectives. The attitude of the mind is highly important to subconsciously control your actions towards the achievement of your goals. You can keep pictures of things to help you visualize.  Look through magazines or try surfing the internet and look for the right images that will put you on the right track. You may want to consult a professional to help you visualize if you have difficulty.

Step 2 - Creating Your Action Plan

Next, you need to create a list of things that you need to do to achieve your goals. It is vital that you create the action steps that will ultimately lead to your main goal. For example, if your goal is to get rich, you have to set steps such as saving money, investing, working extra hours, building connections, etc.

It is recommended that you make your goals specific and write them down e.g. "To earn 1 million dollars",
instead of just "Being rich." You should also be specific about the action steps. You can write down "Save 10 dollars everyday", instead of just "Save more". You should also create a time line wherein you can finish tasks right on schedule. You will avoid procrastination and barriers to success if you push yourself more by setting deadlines.

Step 3 - Think of Benefits or Consequences

Aside from writing down the list of your goals and action steps, you will also want to include the advantages and consequences once you reach them. For example, you can put "Buy a new Ferrari", "Managing my main office nemesis", etc. These specific advantages will motivate you more. You can also include the consequences should you fail or delay by writing down things like "Lose my house", "Disappoint my wife", etc.  Being clear about the benefits of achieving your goals and the consequences of not achieving them will further build your motivation and desire to take action and succeed.

Step 4 - The Right Attitude

You need to have the right attitude that will help you stick to your goals. The most important are consistency,
patience and discipline. Consistency describes the work you put in to achieve the results you've always desired. Patience talks about waiting for the right opportunity and persevering despite some disappointments. Discipline means giving up some immediate gratifications so you can get bigger and long lasting benefits in the end.

You can practice the right attitude by talking to very successful people and finding a partner who can motivate
you during times of trouble. It is important that you check your list every now and then and make the necessary adjustments over time. Changes may occur but you have to stay with the goal, even if the plan is flexible and altered.

Enjoy achieving your goals,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report How to Overcome Your Fears - Click here

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Monday, 26 April 2010

Unexpected Extended Holiday

Subregions of Europe (UN geoschme)Image via Wikipedia
A Message from Noelyne...

I'm back home safely after an unexpected extended holiday in Turkey.  I was due to fly back on 19/4  however, due to the flight ban over Europe imposed as a result of the Volcanic Ash cloud was unable to do so.  The flight ban was eventually lifted on Tuesday which prompted the slow but sure clearance of the backlog of people who had been stranded since Thursday.

I was able to fly back to England on the Friday 23/4 however, our flight was unable to land at it's original destination and was given a slot into Norwich.  Great to be back and only 1 hour 30 mins from home, except the car was in we joined the other 200 + passengers on the coach journey down to Gatwick.  Our convoy took 4 hours.  What amazed us was how miserable the Coach driver was.  We had just spent a glorious time in a wonderful country with wonderful friendly people who could not do enough for us, only to meet what can only be described as a grumpy old man who clearly did not want to be driving us to Gatwick. Richmond Coaches do not get my vote!

Thankfully my car was safe and sound and the check out procedure was very smooth with no extra charge incurred.  Thank You BAA Car Parking!

As it was 10.30 pm and we'd been travelling since 9.30 am we decided to stop over night in a hotel to break the journey.  Thanks to iphone I located a hotel we phoned and reserved a room.  On checking the cost on the room it was £55 which in and of itself is reasonable however, if you book on-line it's £30, so we proceeded to do luck.  Sadly the receptionist was unable to give us the room at the internet price.  So we made the decision to drive home instead.  Ibis Hotel's loss and actually our gain.  It's amazing what you can achieve when you put your mind to it.  So lovely to sleep in your own bed.

More about what I learned as a result of being stranded in Turkey soon...

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Remember to sign up for my Free Special Report

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Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Key Habits to Develop for Success

A Message from Noelyne...

Habitual Developments to Achieve Your Goals

'It takes 21 days to form a habit'

People may be successful or fail in their goals simply because they have not adopted the right habits that ultimately make winners. You can stay successful for life and achieve your goals, regardless of the type and challenges, by having the right mindset and attitude. Start building healthier habits for a well-rounded lifestyle you can be proud of.

Motivation Matters

Motivation is the first step in starting your quest towards your goal, as well as making sure that you
stick to it no matter what. The best person who can motivate you for life is you. I recommend that you 'Begin with the end in Mind' as Stephen R Covey says in his book 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People'. 

To start visualize or imagine yourself being successful and achieving your goals. 
What does success mean to you?  What do you see happening?  What are others saying?  How will you be feeling?  What will you be doing?   Imagine that you are a strong, capable, confident individual who can achieve anything as long as you put in enough time, work and heart into it. 

When you visualise achieving your goal do you get excited by the prospect?  Do you feel enthusiastic? 
Your goal really must be highly compelling if you are going to put the work, time and effort into achieving it and to persevere when the going gets tough.  Never believe the get rich quick schemes.  All the highly successful people that I know worked very very hard and overcam many obstacles to get to where they are now.  Many failed on a big scale at least once in their life.

You can also find a support system that can motivate you should you lose steam later on. Some of the best
persons include your family, your best friend, your spouse and your kids. Having a partner can greatly help
so that you can both inspire and push each other, when one is not feeling that good or lacks encouragement. Surround yourself with positive people who will raise your spirits when you get disheartened.

Progress and Review

Establish schedules to check your progress, using a calendar system. You can also include tools like a
handwritten list, a PDA or a day planner. When setting goals, you need to be specific and include the deadlines for each objective and goal. You need to develop the plan over time as you go over and review the items carefully. Some items will have to be revised later on as you'll soon realize. The more important thing is that you stay on track and do not lose courage and motivation.

Progress should be reviewed regularly. You can hire a coach or talk to a professional online to help you analyze things that might be hindering your progress. Check items that seem to be delayed or disturbed then analyze the possible affective factors. It is important to review your desire and passion for your goal every now and then too, so that you can always find the right persons and resources that will get you back on track.

Practice Makes Perfect

It takes time and practice to develop the right habits in becoming successful and achieving your goals every time. Some of the things you need to practice include discipline and patience. Discipline involves giving up some pleasures to get a more permanent result in the end. For example, you have to give up the cake for dessert or eat delicious fast food meals, just so you can enjoy the benefits of having a fit and beautiful body come summer. Set a timeline to develop habits too. You will find that your habits become more consistent through constant practice.  As I said at the takes 21 days to form a habit.  It also takes 21 days to break a habit so never ever give up!

Optimism Pays

Make it a habit to stay optimistic at all times too, so that you can draw positive energy from others around you. That way, you get to find a lot of extra help, support and tips that will ultimately lead to your main goal.
Even if you come across some difficulties, make sure you stay positive in everything that you do. Pick yourself
up after each fall and determine to become better the next time. Experience is the best teacher so learn from your experiences both good and poor ones.  Review what happened by considering what went well and what could have been even better.  Then make sure you do something different the next time so that you get even better results.  I'm sure you've heard the saying 'If you keep on doing what you've always done, you'll keep on getting what you've always got'. Stay positive and get positive results for a lifetime.

Enjoy forming some great habits for life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears here

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Monday, 19 April 2010

Bad Traits to Avoid if you want to achieve your goals

A Message from Noelyne...

Bad Traits to Avoid If You Want to Achieve Your Goals

Many people stay unsuccessful or have alternating experiences with success and failure, simply because they do not know that they behave in an unresourceful way.  Poor behaviour is often as a result of bad habits and personal characteristics that ultimately lead to poor results and not getting what you want in life. Some of the things you've been so used to doing for several years may be the main reason why you struggle.  If no-one has pointed out the consequences of your behaviout then you are probably not aware of the effect you are having on your life and that of others.

The Basic Bad Behaviours/Habits or Traits

No 1.
Laziness is one of the negative habits that can be associated with someone who is unsuccessful.  Unfortunately, lazy people usually do not want to get rid of the problem. However, If you want to achieve your goals, you need to understand the value of hard work and perseverance. Some of the greatest people in the world are known to work more and harder than those who did not leave a mark. Successful people tend to work longer hours, sleep less, eat less, wake up earlier and take more risks than anybody else. It takes
sacrifice to reach your goals. The most important thing to know is that everything you have ever wanted is just outside your comfort zone. If you stay in your comfort zone you will not learn new skills, you won't grow and develop.  Staying in your comfort zone means you will stay safe and comfortable.  This may be quite acceptable for many people.  However, if you want to develop your potential and achieve your goals then you need to get into your stretch zone regularly.

Fear is another bad trait that people have. They fear things and events so much that they stop themselves from even trying. Some people are even afraid of success subconsciously in a way that they refuse any opportunity that can make them great. Some people do not realize that they just do not or cannot handle the bigger responsibilities that achieved goals come with.

Personal Bad Traits

Selfishness is a bad trait that you need to get rid of to achieve your goals. There are individuals who do not want to get help from others because they do not want to share their expected success.  This also suggests that a selfish person believes there is a limit to the amount of wealth, success and abundance in the Universe.

Being Negative

Pessimism is a trait of losers. In most cases, pessimism is tied up to fear. Seeing things in a negative light will lead to poor results too, most of the time. If you start your day negatively, everything else will already seem bad, so you will focus more on the little things that do not matter and let them bother you, instead of keeping your mind on your goals.  Choose to start the day in a positive mindset.  Take 10 minutes each morning to meditate and then imagine yourself having a really fantastic day.  See yourself enjoying being successful at everything you need to do.

Seeking Help

The first step to treating bad habits to achieve your goals is recognise that you have them and then choose to make changes.  First of all start to believe that you are a confident, capable and strong individual. You are responsible for whatever happens in your life. Although problems are bound to happen, you know that you always have the ability to stay successful in life as you choose. Minor setbacks are supposed to be a means for you to become better and stronger, so turn them into learning opportunities rather than pessimistically thinking that the world is against you.

Here's an activity to get rid of bad traits.

Write a list of all the things that you consider to be bad traits about yourself. 

Next, put the opposite trait for each.

The opposite traits are now your new characteristics to be adopted. Start practicing one good trait per
week or month, then add another one for consistency.

Over time, you will realize that success follows you because of your positive aura.  You will become more attractive to people and success.

Enjoy the process,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears in 7 Easy Steps Click here

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Saturday, 17 April 2010

Inspirational video on Personal Development

A Message from Noelyne...

You can't change the seasons however, you can change yourself.  In this inspirational video from the great and sadly late Jim Rohn he explains how life is like the four seasons.  Jim Rohn changed his philosophy on life in his 20's.  He comments that his education didn't teach him this way of thinking, but luckily for him his mentor introduced him to the idea of success being directly related to your philosophy and not the economy.  This revelation changed his life phenomenally.


Some lovely pictures to accompany the words and music too.

I am so pleased that I have adopted this approach too.  At the start of the recession I heard the quote from Zig Ziglar 'I hear there's a recession going on and I have no plans to participate'

That's exactly the approach I took and I've had my best year yet.

So work hard on yourself, learn, grow and change your thoughts.

All the best,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Easily Overcome Your Fears here
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Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Self esteem Questionnaire

A Message from Noelyne....

If you want to feel good about yourself and improve your confidence so that you are able to handle whatever happens then you are in the right place. My passion in life is to share the lessons that I have learned as a result of the experiences in my life with you so that you avoid making the mistakes that I have made.

I have regained my confidence and belief in life so much so that I now run my own business and have created a wonderful fulfilling life. However, it has not always been like that. Over 10 years ago I hit rock bottom after a third IVF attempt resulted in a life threatening ectopic pregnancy. With huge support from my wonderful family and friends I slowly pulled myself back together. However, it took it's toll on my marriage which eventually ended in divorce. With no children of my own and no husband I felt a complete failure as a woman. 

Has your self-esteem taking a hammering so much that you don't realise that you have low self-esteem?
Realising that you have low-self esteem can be quite a revelation and can totally explain what is happening in your  life in terms of the results you are not getting .  Once you are aware you can change it!  Awareness is the key. It's almost like putting a label on something, it helps you make sense of the situation and enables you to take action.

Once you diagnose which areas are causing the problem you can set about making improvements including the way you feel about yourself.  Here's a self-assessment questionnaire to get you started.  With any questionnaires it's always best to be honest with yourself to get the best effect.

Do you think positively or negatively about your impact on others?

When communicating, do you ever anticipate what others might be thinking about you?

How does stress manifest itself with you?

Do you control your stress levels when anxious?

When do you feel at your most confident?

When do you feel at your least confident?

Do you sometimes feel self-conscious?

Do you feel comfortable with how you look?

Which are you more aware of: your strengths or your weaknesses?

Do you feel powerful?  If so, when?

Are you aware of your inner critic?

When do you feel at your best?

Do you prepare yourself mentally, physically and emotionally before communicating?

Do you focus on the other person or people when communicating?

The way you present yourself to the world starts with how you feel about yourself.  Answering these questions will help you understand wether and where you need to make changes.  If you need help with any of that then you can contact me via the link below.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report now Click here

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Sunday, 11 April 2010

How to Use the Universe to Overcome Your Challenges and Achieve Your Goals

Make your dream comes true, my Dearest :-)..Image by Thai Jasmine via Flickr
A Message from Noelyne...

How to Use the Universe to Overcome Your Challenges and Achieve Your Goals

The Universal Law of Attraction can be a very effective tool in making you achieve your goals and practically
everything else you want to have in this lifetime. You will realize that desire should always start from within, and the world will obey your thoughts, actions and ideas. Here are some guidelines on how to get your
objectives just the way you want.

Ask the Universe

According to the Universal Law of Attraction, ask the universe and it shall give to you. However, to achieve
your goals, you have to truly have an idea about what kind of thing or event you want to happen in your life.
There are plenty of items that you can ask from the world. The most common are superficial things such as money, a new car, a new house, etc. More meaningful items include better relationships with your family or wife, happiness in your job and life, etc. 

The Way You Ask

The way you ask the universe will also matter. Keep in mind that the universe will immediately hear and respond in the manner you believe in. Your first thought might go, 'I want a brand new Ferrari.' The world will then respond, 'Your wish is my command.' However, other thoughts can still enter such as, 'But it may still be when I'm in my 40's.' or 'But it will happen when I get the promotion.' or even 'It can't happen.' The world will just say yes to everything you inject in your thoughts.

The time, extent, strength and other details of your wish will be determined by your mind alone. If you have any doubt or disbelief about the power of the universe to provide, then it will truly give to you accordingly. Make sure you clean your thoughts thoroughly so that you set your goals straight and allow the universe to perform the best way.

Your Actions

Once you have set your goals and asked from the universe, your mind, thoughts and body will start acting automatically to lead towards the goals and objectives. You will subconsciously accomplish small tasks and open up a wide array of opportunities that are meant to direct you to the ultimate mark. Renew your goals each morning as you wake up and your body will just function immediately towards these.

Work both consciously and subconsciously. If you are not sure how to do this then look out for my Membership site which covers this in detail in one of the lessons.  Remember that it also requires effort and discipline on your part to receive the best things in life. Do not expect everything to just fall into place. If you want to land that promotion, then you should start going to work early, volunteer for projects and show that you are prepared for bigger responsibilities.

Staying Positive

The Universal Law of Attraction helps you achieve your goals, as long as you remain positive. Always believe
that the universe is capable of providing immediately. Anything can actually happen, in the time you have set.
Always be optimistic. It's highly likely that you will encounter a few problems along the way, but what's more important is how you relate and react to the situation.  Be conscious about what's happening and act to alleviate the effects.

The Universe is part of your toolkit for life so practise using it and like most things the more you do it the better you get at it. Remember if you have any thoughts of doubt then the Universe will pick up on that.  The people who attract what they want in life totally believe that they deserve it and will get it.

Enjoy practising with the process of life,
Noelyne Jones

P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Easily Overcome Your Fears

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Friday, 9 April 2010

How to Raise Self-Esteem in 2 Easy Steps

Serenity isImage by Cape Cod Cyclist via Flickr
A Message from Noelyne..

Clearing the clutter in your mind and home so that you can immediately start to overcome low levels of self-esteem and start to feel great about yourself. Creating space on your life for new things to come along causes an instant feel good factor and so raises self-esteem. So here's what you need to do:

Step 1 - De-clutter your home:

I want you de-clutter your home to start to free yourself from what's stopping you achieve what you want and create the life that you want. Find time in your diary over the next week go through every room in your house and remove the things that you no longer need or have not used in over 12 months, the things that are broken or chipped, the things that irritate you or you dislike. Be ruthless.

Once you have done this decide what it is that you want to do with these items. Can you give them to charity? Do you want to sell them on e-bay? Perhaps a family member or friend needs them? How about a car boot sale? Or just take them to the householders waste. Whatever you decide do it quickly and have fun!
Once you have completed the above notice how fantastic you feel.

Step 2 - De-Clutter your mind:

The next step is to empty your mind of all the thoughts you have that are stopping you from making great decisions. When your mind is cluttered you will get cluttered decisions and cluttered results. This activity involves finding a minimum of 10 minutes a day, ideally 30 minutes, to sit quietly in a corner of the house where you feel comfortable and will not be disturbed.
  • Sit quietly, no music, just become aware of your breathing, close your eyes and just be. Your mind will be very active to begin with as it takes time to slow down your thoughts and eventually to think of nothing.
  • The more you practise the easier and quicker it becomes to switch off.
  • Get into the habit of doing this at least once a day and definitely before making any important decisions.
You will be amazed at the clarity you get and the easier it is to know what is the right action for you to take. You will immediately feel more confident about your decisions and will start to get better results which can only enhance your self-esteem.

Enjoy the process of life!

Noelyne Jones
P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears in 7 Easy Steps.  Click here to download now

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Thursday, 8 April 2010

Half Price Web Hosting $3.95 a month

A Message from Noelyne...

Excellent offer on Internet Web Hosting - Half price @ $3.95 a month


Host your Web site with IPOWER!

Eco-friendly site too.

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report here

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

One Minute Personal Alignment Check Tool

A Message from Noelyne...

In the busy-ness of our day-to-day lives, it is all too easy to slip into routines or get distracted in such a way that we are not tending to the really important things. This can leave us feeling empty, disconnected from our passion, and unable to accomplish what would be truly fulfilling. If left unchecked long-term your self-esteem will take a bashing and without realising you will no longer value yourself, which leads to low confidence and self-esteem.

To help my clients keep in touch with what is really important to them, and ensure that their thoughts, feelings and actions line up with the intention and impact they desire, I often share a simple "Alignment Check" tool.
It starts by getting clear on your intention. What are you attempting to accomplish in your life, career, or business at this time? If you are a leader in an organization, you might have an intention of fostering an environment of mutual respect where individuals are highly engaged in accomplishing collaborative goals. If you are a parent, you might have the intention of providing a loving, encouraging, fun home to help develop your children. If you are currently under high levels of stress, your intention might be to establish better balance in your life.

Once you have a clear intention, you are able to perform the alignment check. To do so simply pause, and take 3 breaths. (This brings you back into the present moment, and slows down your thoughts.)
  • Remind yourself what your intention is
  • Ask yourself if your current thoughts are in alignment with this intention?
  • Ask if your current feelings or mood, are in alignment with your intention?
  • Is the action you are now taking in alignment?
  • Are the results you are getting in alignment with your intention?
This whole process can be done in less than a minute. As simple as it is, it can be a powerful tool to keep your energies focused on the outcome you most want.

The clearer your intention, and the greater your alignment, the more powerful your results.

A quick and easy way to overcome that feeling of being overwhelmed and off track. It gets you back to calm, clear thinking and refocuses your efforts and activities on the key areas of your life.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report How Easily to Overcome Your Fears Click here

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Sunday, 4 April 2010

How to Overcome Anything Toolkit - Zeal

enthusiasmImage by HDC Photography via Flickr
A Message from Noelyne...

The How to Overcome Anything Toolkit - Zeal.

I've chosen Zeal for the final letter of the How to Overcome Anything Toolkit.  Other words to describe Zeal are fervour, keeness and enthusiasm which explains my reason for choosing it for the last in my toolkit blogs.  If you demonstrate enthusiasm and keeness in whatever you are doing first of all you will enjoy what you are doing much more and secondly, whoever is near you will be influenced by your enthusiasm.

When you are faced with a challenge, problem or goal you want to achieve it's a good idea before you start to check how you feel about taking the action.  Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being low enthusiasm and 10 being highly enthusiastic.  Ideally you need to be at 10.  When you live your life at 10 you know that you are doing what you really really want to do.  Life flows easily, you demonstrate passion, energy and commitment to the task.  Enthusiasm will be oozing out of you...easily and naturally.

I much prefer to work with people who are really interested in doing well, getting great results and achieving their potential.  In the training room it makes the trainer's job a lot easier when the participants are enthusiastic and want to learn.  When interviewing someone for a job the intreviewer's are far more likely to choose someone who is keen to do well.  When you show interest and enthusiasm when around friends they are far more likely to want to spend more time with you.

Have a think about your own behaviour.  Do you come across as enthusiastic?  Do you give your full attention in the moment?  Or are you busy thinking about all the things you need to do later and so appear distracted and not interested in the people you are with?  What impact do you make on people when you are with them?

What impression do you want to create?  What impression do you want to leave with the people you meet?  Enthusiastic or dull?

Not sure how to create a better impression? Not sure how to raise your enthusiasm for the task in hand?  The Personal Achiever's Club is where you need to be.  I'll show you how to create an amazing first impression easily and to feel enthusiastic about everything you choose to do and you get to meet and learn from others who are experts at creating an awesome impact and presence and getting the results that they want in life.  You can too!

Details of the club launch date will be released soon.  In the meantime, request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears in 7 Easy Steps and you will also get first hand updates on what's happening.  Click here to get the report.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Remember to request the Free Report here

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How to Overcome Anything Toolkit - You

Look out! Potential!!Image by M0les via Flickr
A Message from Noelyne...

You are your best resource.  There really is only you.  I know you get in the way of you achieving your full potential and getting the life that you want.  You stop yourself from overcoming life's challenges, you allow yourself to feel fear, procrastinate, be negative and generally not take action.  mainly because you find it easier not to do whatever it takes, it's comfortable staying where you are isn't it?  It's very easy to put the blame on someone or something else.  I know I've been there!

It's time to stop you from not getting what you want in life.  It's time to start turning you into a fantastic resource that knows exactly what you need, what action to take and when.  It's time to turn you into that confident being that is just lurking beneath the surface waiting to show the world who you really are.  Are you ready?  Great! Your first step, if you haven't already, is to request a copy my Free Special Report on How to Easily Overcome Your Fears.  Go here to download now

As soon as you take action magic will start to happen.  Give it a go and see.  If not you, who?  Who will take the action?  Who are you waiting for to come along and make things how you want them to be?  That's not going to happen because everyone else is busy looking after themselves.

If not now, when?  How much longer are you prepared to put off having the life that you want?  There is only now.

So there's only you and there's only now.

Enjoy the process,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request the Free Copy of my Special Report here
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Saturday, 3 April 2010

How to Overcome Anything Toolkit - X Factor

A Message from Noelyne....

How you got the X-Factor?  I love this TV programme, don't you?  I know it's not everyone's cup of tea however, it's inspirational to me because it brings hope to so many people, even if only for a very short while....  Most people are searching for the one thing that will make the difference to their life, the one thing that will transform their lives.  The people queueing patiently to meet the X-Factor panel believe that it's there chance of fame and fortune and to be recognised for their unique talents.  They are chasing a dream.

Like for so many of the X-Factor hopefuls it is constantly elusive and life just doesn't measure up on the scales of success.

What is it that you are chasing?
Do you constanly wish you had more?  Perhaps you look at the neighbours or friends and wish you had what they seem to have?

Instead of focusing on the parts that are missing or the negatives do a mind flip and look at everything that you've already got that's good.  Friends, family, partner, books, music, a place of your own.  Make sure you give enough time to these.

In the little book 'The Science of Getting Rich' Wallace Wattles talks of 'not wasting time trying to figure out some strange, unusual or remarkable action to perform as the first step toward getting rich.  Just do what you normally do but with a new attitude, point of view, mindset'

I qualifed as an NLP Master Practitioner a few years ago and this transformed my life through showing me how to change my mindset and have a new attitude and view of the world.  In my training and workshops I use the tools and techniques of NLP to help transform other peple's lives too.  My new Membership site is packed full of hints and tips on getting the most out of life.

Enjoy your own personal X-Factor,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report 'Top 10 Tips for Health and Happiness'  Click here to download

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Thursday, 1 April 2010

How to Overcome Anything Toolkit - Wealth

A Message from Noelyne.....

How wealthy do you feel?  What does wealth mean to you? 
How does it make you feel when you think about wealth?

Your responses to the above questions can be very revealing about your relationship with wealth and what it means to you.

For many it's about how much money they have?  And yes of course everyone needs money to live, for food, water and the essentials of life.  After that your relationship with money with often dictate how much or how little you have in your life.

For other's wealth is about the number of friends, family and the quality of their relationships.  The quality of the life they lead no matter how much or little money.

So how wealthy are you?  How satisfied are you with the amount of wealth that you have?  On a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being low and 10 being highly satisifed give yourself a rating now.

If you scored 7 and above then well done, you have a healthy approach to wealth.  If you scored less than 6 then what is it that puts you at that score?  Then look at what you need to do to improve the score.

I cover attracting more wealth into your life in my membership site which will be launched soon.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears in less than 7 Days' Click here

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