Wednesday, 19 December 2007
December already!
This year with moving house twice in the last 3 months I decided to plan early and buy presents and cards well in advance. All went very well until this week when I realised that I still haven’t delivered all my cards and presents to friends living locally. I know what I will be doing this weekend! And there’s the food shopping to do.
December is also a time when I reflect on the year. My achievements, successes and things that didn’t go so well. This year has been phenomenal and so I will most definitely be celebrating over the festive season. It’s so good to take time out and reward yourself for your achievements however, big or small. So that’s what I am going to encourage you to do. Take time out for yourself and celebrate your journey in life so far no matter what is happening right now. You will feel so much better.
Yesterday I was out for lunch with some very dear friends. Towards the end of the meal my mobile rang and it was a call from one of the organisations that I am working with so I decided to take the call. As it happens the call was not that urgent and could have waited however, it affected the rest of the meal. In that moment I had broken the spell and magic of enjoying the company of my friends. I was no longer there for them and I know that one of my friends was not impressed. I cannot change what happened as it is over. However, I can make sure that I give my full attention to whoever I decide to spend time with and not be distracted. My friends will forgive me as they love me.
My message to you is to ‘Enjoy the present moment’. ‘The past is history, the future a mystery and the present a gift’ So enjoy it! Enjoy spending time with family and friends, be the happiest person around and see how you affect their lives too.
Have an absolutely awesome time,
With love from Noelyne
Friday, 16 November 2007
Learning to trust again!
How do you know it’s time to trust someone? What causes you to choose to stop trusting someone?
Trust lies at the heart of a strong relationship. When trust is lost we feel betrayed, angry and taken for granted.
But what is trust? It’s a belief we have that we can ‘place out trust’ in someone. We have enough evidence to allow that to happen and so we start to open up and confide in that person. There is an element of uncertainty and risk involved as whoever you are trusting may not always live up to the faith you are putting in them.
Many parents of teenagers will identify with choosing to trust our child to be able to spend the weekend in the house on their own without throwing a wild party. You may feel somewhat anxious as you drive away from the house and have a strong urge to ring up and "check how things are going". There is a risk involved, they may let you down.
Do you see trust as something that must be earned or negotiated? You may trust other adults according to how much you know of their character, attitudes and behaviour.
People have different meanings for trust. Our ability to trust may be affected by our upbringing and past experiences too. It is very easy within a marriage to assume you view trust in the same way as your partner, but assumptions can be misleading and lead to disappointment and hurt when things go wrong.
Most people want to place the responsibility for trust in a relationship on someone else. They base their trust on how someone acts towards them. I’ve discovered that trust in a relationship doesn't start with someone else. It starts with you and how willing you are to open up and allow the other person in. If you're having trust issues in a relationship, examine your own thoughts, feelings and issues from the past that have yet to be healed first before looking outward to blame someone else. I also suggest taking a step forward into love instead of fear every chance you get.
Talk about your doubts
Don’t let the fact that your previous relationship broke down be the reason why a future relationship breaks down. If you are having trust issues in a new friendship or relationship, talk these through with your new friend or partner. Explain to them why you are having the trust issues you are and explain your feelings to them. You may be surprised and find that your new friend or partner actually understands what you are going through!
It is going to be impossible to move on with your life after a divorce if you cannot trust anyone again. Trust is an essential element to any healthy relationship. Trust means you know you care for someone, and that they care for you. So make sure you have a healthy loving relationship in the future by learning to trust again.
Call me now to find out how coaching can move you forward and enable you to trust again,
08456 430 184
Friday, 9 November 2007
How to be happy all the time!
It's learning to control those emotions and learn from them that is the not so easy thing to do. Luckily once you are aware that you can control your emotions then you can start to do something about it. It's easier in certain situations for example, at work we have codes of conduct or standards that are expected of us. Competencies that guide your behaviour and if you step over the boundary then you are given feedback by your line manager. You learn to control the irritated or angry feelings you have towards certain colleagues and deal with them in a considered and thoughtful manner.
Out side of the professional situations described above for example in your personal lives you often let those emotions take over and lose rational thinking and behaviour. You choose to allow the negativity to rule your life. You are often not happy with your relationships and focus on the negatives, you are often dissatisfied with what you have wanting more and wishing things were different. Some people feel sad because the things they want and are working towards are not happening fast enough. You want it all now and feel dissatisfied because you haven't got everything you want. Yet guess what? If you had everything you want right now you would then want something else.
So be happy with what you have here and now. Take action to get the things or life that you dream of and let go of the outcome and time line. So long as you are taking action then things will happen however, not always as quickly or in the way that you expected. Just be happy whenevr you can and enjoy the moment.
If you want to know more about being happy and changing your thoughts then give me a call anytime.
Saturday, 3 November 2007
How to have a stress free festive season!
The Christmas holidays are fast approaching and for many this is a wonderful happy special time of year. For others it can bring all sorts of problems and concerns.
stress through trying to organise work and home life and all the preparations,
sadness when remembering loved ones no longer with us,
relationship breakdowns or remembering the pain of a separation that happened at this time of year,
ill health – how many of you keep going and then the moment you finish work you get a nasty cold or flu,
financial pressures through trying to provide the best Christmas/holiday ever for your family.
Ringing any bells for you? (Ok I couldn’t resist that one.)
My Top Ten Tips for a stress free festive holiday.
Start planning early, particularly if your natural preference is to leave things until the last minute!
Work out a budget and stick to it.
Delegate tasks if you can.
Do 10 minutes minimum meditation daily. It will help clear your mind of clutter and clarify thoughts.
Take at least 1 hour out a week for you time – relax, do something you really enjoy.
Remember to fit in at least 3 x 20 minutes sessions of exercise – a power walk to the shops or work will do you the world of good.
Eat a well balanced diet – plenty of fresh fruit and veg!
Visualise the sort of holiday you would like to have over the festive season. What will you be doing, saying, hearing and feeling?
Thoughts become things so choose the good ones – manage your internal state and emotions. If you would like to know more about techniques to do this then give me a call.
Set yourself some realistic goals however, let go of the outcome - If things don’t quite turn out how you expect don’t beat yourself up. Know that you did your best however, some things are out of our control. In fact the only thing you can control is you, your thoughts and your reaction to what happens.
Additional tip.
Have fun!
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
This statement has really really made sense ever since I started my own business and even more so since taking the decision to run my own Coaching workshops for my business not for someone else. The reality of success or not is totally and utterly down to me. No-one else will take on this role and be as passionate about it as I am. Yes other people will help out and will be keen for me to be successful. My family and friends provide moral support which I am eternally grateful for. If I pay people to do a task they will and it's up to me to make sure it is to the standard that I require.
The fact that it is down to me has caused me to choose to feel quite panicky on many occasions over the past few months. Marketing and Sales.....I've never done this before and here I am marketing my own training workshop for Professional Women aged 40+ living in the East of England and who want to create a feel good factor in all apsects of their life. I am really really in my stretch zone. Which is a good thing right? Of course it is. It means that life is tremendously exciting and so long as I don't get bogged down with stress and anxiety about the outcome of my actions then this is definitely where I want to be. As you know things don't always turn out how we want them however, the important thing is to learn from the experience and look for ways of changing and imprving what we do. Keep focused on what we want to achieve and eventually we will get there. I'm choosing to do this so it's important to enjoy every moment and let go of the outcome.
Life's too short to get stressed and downhearted.
Have a great
P.S. Call 08456 430 184 to book onto Saturdays's workshop 13th October at the Peterborough Marriott Hotel. :-)
Friday, 28 September 2007
Fear of Success!
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Marianne Williamson
Used by Nelson Mandela in his inaugural speech
So what can we take from this?
One of the key challenges as human beings is we're not great at standing at the top of the tallest building and shouting about our achievements, what we do/have done and our future potential.
Most people think the biggest fear is the fear of failure…actually for many the fear of success is far greater. Whether they realise this at a conscious level is another thing!
I have feared success in the past and even now I still feel uncomfortable telling others about what I have achieved and what I am going to achieve for fear of what the person might think. There is an element of believing that I do not deserve all this success and that I won’t be able to handle it! These fears developed during my childhood when I was brought up to believe that sharing my successes with others was boasting about myself which was not a good thing and could result in things being taken away. The first step to overcoming this fear of success is to recognise that it exists within you. The next is to look at how this fear or belief is limiting you now.
So a couple of thought provoking questions:
Are you playing small?
Are you truly realising your REAL potential?
If not what might you be doing to sabotage your own success?
Are there actions that you’ve been putting off that that could positively accelerate your success?
Boldness has genius…go do it now! And remember the Universe will only give you what you can handle.
Here’s to a fun, fearless life!
Monday, 10 September 2007
It certainly makes keeping in touch with my clients so much easier and it only takes a few minutes each day to check e-mails and respond. Marvellous. A success all round as was my visit to the beautiful city of Tallin. Highly recommended and if you go make sure to buy a Tallin card which gives you access to all sorts of tourist attractions and gives a huge saving. Another success.
In fact my success diary is filling up fast which is such a good feeling. Do you keep a success diary? I recommend that too. Just take a few minutes each day or week to reflect on what went well and record it. Then celebrate your success no matter how big or small. Get used to that feeling of happiness and joy so that you can create more of that good feeling in your life at anytime. As a general rule we rarely take time out to stop and look at what we have achieved and how far we have progressed. And we are even less likely to celebrate. Do you remember the last time you had a celebration? Go back there now and remember what you saw, heard and felt? Oh yes doesn’t that feel fantastic! So the next time you have a success remember to celebrate and recreate that feeling again and again so that it becomes quite natural to feel good. In fact feeling good is natural, anything else is a sign of resistance to what comes naturally.
Here’s to feeling good!
Thursday, 30 August 2007
Spinning plates
Since coming back from holiday I have been playing catch up with all aspects of my life, friends, family, business, garden, house. Whilst on holiday I totally chilled out and shut myself off from everything except the people I was with. I truly lived in the moment without a care in the world. Wonderful!
So where do spinning plates fit in? Well, I seem to have many things on the go at the same time and it feels as though I am constantly running from one to the other to keep the plates spinning. It's a long time since I have seen someone actually do that on stage however, that's what it feels like. Whilst on holiday of course a few of the plates have dropped and cracked - not smashed just cracked as they could be put back together. I started to tell myself that I should have checked my phone and e-mails whilst on holiday. However, when I sat down and thought about it those cracked plates are ones that I did not want to keep going long term anyway. Yes I can put some work in to retrieve the situation, make a few phone calls etc. but actually I feel quite relieved. It's helped me to focus on the plates that I really really want to take to the next level. There are less of them now which means I can put quality time and energy into making them gold plated!
Many of the women that I speak to seem to have 101 things on the go at the same time and often run around like headless chickens with no clear sense of direction. Perhaps if we take time out and look at the things in our life that we hold onto however, don't really need and probably don't really enjoy. Then ask yourself 'What would happen if I didn't do that anymore?'. It might just free up some time to do the things you really love and enjoy and get lots of satisfaction from. The things that will take you to the next level, wherever that might be.
I'm off to Estonia next week with three other fabulous forty+ women. Will I check my e-mails and phone? I'll let you know how I get on.
Enjoy your week,
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
Last minute. holiday
Hello there,
Last year after two weeks camping in Yorkshire we decided to branch out and go to France on holiday. Then earlier this year the weather forecast was for a glorious hot summer in Britain, she types as the thunder rumbles in the distance and the rain hits the window! So a joint decision with my partner was that we would have a holiday enjoying the delights of North Wales, Snowdon and the sandy beaches of the Cambrian coast. As spectacular as Chamonix in France and at a third of the cost!
The Friday night before our holiday arrives and it's still raining, there are floods across the Midlands, people are stranded in all know the rest. So something eventually sinks in (no pun intended) that maybe we need to change our holiday destination. So bright and early on Saturday I start searching for a sunny by one destinations were eliminated.....too hot, no availability, hurricane season, too expensive. I'm keeping my cool literally as the temp is about 12 degrees and not panicking. I trust that we will find the right holiday for us.
The following morning we are up bright and early to drive down to Dover to catch the ferry. It took me about one hour in the end to book the ferry, a hotel overnight in Calais, the campsite, holiday and car insurance and get my Euros, pack my bag and make sure my passport was up to date. It just goes to show what can be achieved in a short space of time once I was clear on what I wanted.
Three weeks later I am back from a wonderful camping holiday in the Ardenne region of France. We all enjoyed it and even ventured into Belgium for a couple of nights on the way home. The boys loved the experience of exploring new countries and wanted to carry on into Luxembourg.....
So we achieved our dream of holidaying in France this year after all. I recommend that you plan a little earlier than the day before however, it all worked out fantastically.
Where would we be without the internet...Have a great week.
Friday, 20 July 2007
The weather!
I suppose being British I just had to do one blog about the glorious British weather.......
Feeling quite sad right now which I know will pass however, guess who decided to take advantage of the fact that there was a glorious hot Summer predicted earlier this year.....yes me and me dearest who have planned to go camping in North Wales for our Summer holiday.
The whole idea was to take the boys Kayaking, Abseiling, climb Snowdon, White water rafting - a lifelong ambition of mine, somewhere with beautiful scenery, mountains and beaches close North Wales fits the bill. Needless to say the forescast of more torrential downpours is what is causing me to choose to feel quite depressed. On the bright side at least there will be plenty of water for the white water rafting! I just wonder if we will need a kayak for the campsite?
Ok I think my NLP techniques need to be implemented on myself fairly quickly to get myself back to a positive state so that I can give as much as possible to the meeting I have planned with my fellow coaches from the Develop Your Child foundation. It's a celebration of our success and I want it to be awesome....
Have a fantastic weekend whatever the weather and keep smiling!
Thursday, 5 July 2007
How good are you at creating effective relationships?
Building effective relationships affects us at home with our nearest and dearest, our friends, our colleagues and in business. Without good solid relationships built on trust then we are not as effective as we could be and rarely reach our true potential.
I’m just wondering why this was not covered as a subject at school? At least I don’t remember lessons in how to interact with others on a social and emotional level……do you?
Perhaps it needs to be included in the school curriculum? What do you think? I’d be interested to hear the views of parents.
Until next time…….my time management is definitely improving!
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears in 7 Vital Steps Click Here
Friday, 29 June 2007
Time Management
Who am I?
If you answered No to any of the questions ask yourself…..
What do you value in life?
What are your wildest dreams?
Friday, 8 June 2007
What motivated me to be a Life Coach?
Thursday, 24 May 2007
Banish all fears!
Wednesday, 4 April 2007
Spring Clean!
A few weeks ago I signed up to some 'notes from the Universe' on a website called the Adventurers Club Every morning I get an inspirational thought which sets me up for a positive day. Increasingly I am reminded of the power of thoughts and to choose the best thoughts so that you create the reality that you want.
The self-development books that I have read over the years (and there are loads!!) have been about changing thoughts and beliefs to create a better now. I have also just watched the new DVD 'The Secret' which further confirms that we are where we are as a result of our thoughts. It's about knowing what you want and need and then letting go and trusting that the Universe will provide. I don't like the idea of being in control of my life as this means restriction to room for spontaneity yet for some reason now I feel in control and free at the same time. I can control my thoughts and let the universe do the rest. Brilliant!
So I'm spring cleaning my thoughts right now. I'm also thinking that I need to remove that dust from the window ledge too!
Hey ho! Have an outstanding week.