Friday 9 November 2007

How to be happy all the time!

I'm not convinced that you would want to be happy every single minute of the day as life is about embracing the ups and the downs. Sadness plays just a much a part in life as happiness. The low times help you appreciate the highs even more. Experiencing different emotions often means that you have a varied, interesting and full life.

It's learning to control those emotions and learn from them that is the not so easy thing to do. Luckily once you are aware that you can control your emotions then you can start to do something about it. It's easier in certain situations for example, at work we have codes of conduct or standards that are expected of us. Competencies that guide your behaviour and if you step over the boundary then you are given feedback by your line manager. You learn to control the irritated or angry feelings you have towards certain colleagues and deal with them in a considered and thoughtful manner.

Out side of the professional situations described above for example in your personal lives you often let those emotions take over and lose rational thinking and behaviour. You choose to allow the negativity to rule your life. You are often not happy with your relationships and focus on the negatives, you are often dissatisfied with what you have wanting more and wishing things were different. Some people feel sad because the things they want and are working towards are not happening fast enough. You want it all now and feel dissatisfied because you haven't got everything you want. Yet guess what? If you had everything you want right now you would then want something else.

So be happy with what you have here and now. Take action to get the things or life that you dream of and let go of the outcome and time line. So long as you are taking action then things will happen however, not always as quickly or in the way that you expected. Just be happy whenevr you can and enjoy the moment.

If you want to know more about being happy and changing your thoughts then give me a call anytime.


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