Friday 20 July 2007

The weather!

I suppose being British I just had to do one blog about the glorious British weather.......

Feeling quite sad right now which I know will pass however, guess who decided to take advantage of the fact that there was a glorious hot Summer predicted earlier this year.....yes me and me dearest who have planned to go camping in North Wales for our Summer holiday.

The whole idea was to take the boys Kayaking, Abseiling, climb Snowdon, White water rafting - a lifelong ambition of mine, somewhere with beautiful scenery, mountains and beaches close North Wales fits the bill. Needless to say the forescast of more torrential downpours is what is causing me to choose to feel quite depressed. On the bright side at least there will be plenty of water for the white water rafting! I just wonder if we will need a kayak for the campsite?

Ok I think my NLP techniques need to be implemented on myself fairly quickly to get myself back to a positive state so that I can give as much as possible to the meeting I have planned with my fellow coaches from the Develop Your Child foundation. It's a celebration of our success and I want it to be awesome....

Have a fantastic weekend whatever the weather and keep smiling!


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