Wednesday 4 April 2007

Spring Clean!

It's time to spring clean your closets and why not spring clean your thoughts too!

A few weeks ago I signed up to some 'notes from the Universe' on a website called the Adventurers Club Every morning I get an inspirational thought which sets me up for a positive day. Increasingly I am reminded of the power of thoughts and to choose the best thoughts so that you create the reality that you want.

The self-development books that I have read over the years (and there are loads!!) have been about changing thoughts and beliefs to create a better now. I have also just watched the new DVD 'The Secret' which further confirms that we are where we are as a result of our thoughts. It's about knowing what you want and need and then letting go and trusting that the Universe will provide. I don't like the idea of being in control of my life as this means restriction to room for spontaneity yet for some reason now I feel in control and free at the same time. I can control my thoughts and let the universe do the rest. Brilliant!

So I'm spring cleaning my thoughts right now. I'm also thinking that I need to remove that dust from the window ledge too!

Hey ho! Have an outstanding week.


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