Monday 10 September 2007


Bring on free internet access in all Hotels. During my stay in Estonia I was able to access the internet free of charge any time of day and unlimited access. The Estonians are way ahead of us with 97% of the population using the internet for business and banking etc. The government wants to make the city of Tallin a wi-fi area so that everyone can access the internet anywhere. People can sit in the park and browse.

It certainly makes keeping in touch with my clients so much easier and it only takes a few minutes each day to check e-mails and respond. Marvellous. A success all round as was my visit to the beautiful city of Tallin. Highly recommended and if you go make sure to buy a Tallin card which gives you access to all sorts of tourist attractions and gives a huge saving. Another success.

In fact my success diary is filling up fast which is such a good feeling. Do you keep a success diary? I recommend that too. Just take a few minutes each day or week to reflect on what went well and record it. Then celebrate your success no matter how big or small. Get used to that feeling of happiness and joy so that you can create more of that good feeling in your life at anytime. As a general rule we rarely take time out to stop and look at what we have achieved and how far we have progressed. And we are even less likely to celebrate. Do you remember the last time you had a celebration? Go back there now and remember what you saw, heard and felt? Oh yes doesn’t that feel fantastic! So the next time you have a success remember to celebrate and recreate that feeling again and again so that it becomes quite natural to feel good. In fact feeling good is natural, anything else is a sign of resistance to what comes naturally.

Here’s to feeling good!


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