Saturday 18 December 2010

Do you love your job?

A Message from Noelyne...

Do you wake up every morning and look forward to going to work?  Do you get out of bed full of energy and enthusiasm?  Or do you hate the thought of what might lay ahead of you?  Do you feel miserable at the thought of going into your workplace?  You start to feel stressed jhust by thinkiing about it?  You might even crawl back under the duvet and get someone to call in sick because you just don't feel up to it?

When you love your job life is so much easier.  Trust me I know.  I used to dread going into work until I was given the opportunity to perform a role that I absolutely loved.  From  the moment I started training people in the workplace to learn a new skill I new I had found what I had been searching for.  I started looking forward to each new day with vigour and enthusiasm.  Since then my main purpose in work life has been to help others improve their performance or learn a new task for their job role and twelve years later I still absolutely love helping people to imrpove.

I've just done a coaching session on interviewing skills with my 17 year old stepson who has an interview later this week and I get such a buzz out of sharing my knowledge and watching his confidence grow.  It's amazing.

Do you love what you do?  If not I can show you a way to find out your purpose in life and to create a life of your dreams.  I'm living the life of my dreams and you can too.  Check out information on the Personal Achievers club which will show you a way to achieve what you want in life.  Click here for more information.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. The Personal Achievers club is waiting for you
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