Saturday 21 November 2009

The next phase of my life

I've attended a couple of seminars recently which have helped me to decide exactly what I want to focus on for the next stage of my life. I also feel totally happy, content and pleased with where I am now. I have achieved the vision I saw quite a few years ago. I don't remember when exactly that I started to realise that I wanted to work for myself and earn a good income for part time hours. However, I know that in 1998 when I delivered my first training event and found something that I absolutely love doing, I started to plan my way forward. I grabbed any opportunity available to learn and get qualifications including in house training events to enhance my skills as a trainer to external qualifications such as CIPD, BA(Hons), MBTI accreditation.

Then when there was a hint of redundancy I positioned myself so that I would be offered an exit package. It was a while coming however, in December 2006 I was offered that package. I had a few seconds of that internal intrepidation and the is this really what I want feeling before signing the forms. It was a scary time even though I wanted it!

Three and half years later I am so incredibly happy with my decision. It was so the right decision for me. My personal development has been awesome since then as I have learned all about the business world....quite a difference to the safety and security of the Civil Service, where you are almost guaranteed a job for life and of course a reasonable pension. I have met such marvellous, inspiring people. I have a a wider network of friends who support each other. Life is amazing.

I am equally excited about the next phase of my life as I work with my new mentor to move me forward. You will start to see changes very soon to everything that is Noelyne Jones.

I can hardly wait.....


Supporting you to overcome your challenges and be the best that you can be.

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