Sunday 29 November 2009

Day 2 De-clutter your life

How happy are you with the state of your home?  So many of our problems and fears stem from a cluttered life including our living space.  Do you have lots of stuff lying around that you no longer use?  Magazines that are at least 2 years old?  Book shelves overflowing?  An attic full of things you might need again and have been there ever since you moved in?  Do you feel messy as soon as you walk through the door?  Then it's time to de-clutter your living space and turn it into a comfortable home.  This is one of my most favourite and liberating exercises.

So over the next week go through every room in your house, including the attic, and remove the things that you no longer need or have not used in over 12 months, the things that are broken or chipped, the things that irritate you or you dislike.  Be ruthless.

Once you have done this decide what it is that you want to do with these items.  Can you give them to charity?  Do you want to sell them on e-bay?  Perhaps a family member or friend needs them?  How about a car boot sale?  Or just take them to the householders waste.  Whatever you decide do it quickly and have fun!  You will be amazed at the result.

If you who need to overcome a lack of motivation to do this activity then I want you to imagine how good you will feel at the end.  Imagine that the achievement of your dreams are dependent on completing a de-clutter.


P.S.  Sign up for my Free Special Report '7 Vital steps for Overcoming Your Fears' over there 

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