Monday, 30 November 2009

Day 3 - De- clutter your mind

A big step to overcoming barriers in your life is to de-clutter your mind.  This frees you up to focus on the important activities.Write down everything that is bothering you.  Just let the pen flow and get it all out.  Far better on paper than cluttering up your mind.  What is it that's worrying you?  What negative thoughts are you having?  What have you forgotten to do?  Who have you not spoken to recently?  What are you feeling guilty about?

Once you've done this I am sure that you will feel a lot lighter.  Now treat yourself to your favourite drink or go for a walk.  If you like to meditate go do it now and see how much easier it is.  I'll be giving tips to overcome difficulties when meditating in the future.

Well done!
Best wishes, 

P.S. If you haven't signed up for my Free Special Report yet go there now.  Enter your name and e-mail on the right hand side of this site.

Sunday, 29 November 2009

Day 2 De-clutter your life

How happy are you with the state of your home?  So many of our problems and fears stem from a cluttered life including our living space.  Do you have lots of stuff lying around that you no longer use?  Magazines that are at least 2 years old?  Book shelves overflowing?  An attic full of things you might need again and have been there ever since you moved in?  Do you feel messy as soon as you walk through the door?  Then it's time to de-clutter your living space and turn it into a comfortable home.  This is one of my most favourite and liberating exercises.

So over the next week go through every room in your house, including the attic, and remove the things that you no longer need or have not used in over 12 months, the things that are broken or chipped, the things that irritate you or you dislike.  Be ruthless.

Once you have done this decide what it is that you want to do with these items.  Can you give them to charity?  Do you want to sell them on e-bay?  Perhaps a family member or friend needs them?  How about a car boot sale?  Or just take them to the householders waste.  Whatever you decide do it quickly and have fun!  You will be amazed at the result.

If you who need to overcome a lack of motivation to do this activity then I want you to imagine how good you will feel at the end.  Imagine that the achievement of your dreams are dependent on completing a de-clutter.


P.S.  Sign up for my Free Special Report '7 Vital steps for Overcoming Your Fears' over there 

Saturday, 28 November 2009

Day 1 - The first step on your journey to Overcome anything

Hello and thank you for stopping by to read my blog.

Those of you you who have been following me until now will know that I have overcome many challenges throughout my life and my blogs have focused on my personal learning journey.  The next phase of my life is to share with you my top tips to overcome anything that you are dealing with now.  I'll continue to update you on my personal progress however, my focus now is to boost your personal development and success.

So what sort of challenges am I talking about?  Do you have a lack of motivation or low self confidence and self-esteem?  Does your stomach churn at the thought of making a decision?  Do you stop yourself doing something in case you fail?  Are you worried about what other people might think?  Is there someone in your life who you stops you from doing what you want?  Maybe you constantly have negative thoughts? Is your health not as good as it could be and preventing you from having the life that you want?  The challenges you face can leave you feeling depressed, low in energy and stressed.  If any of these ring a bell for you then you are in the right place.

I am going to show you how to handle whatever happens in life and live each day full of joy, happiness, good health and abundance. Sounds good doesn't it? Each day you will feel better and better.  You will learn to see the world from a different viewpoint.  So here goes, hold tight...

Don't wait until the time is right as that will never come.  There is only now so take action today.  One of my favourite sayings is 'The past is history, the future a mystery, today is a gift, that's why it's called the present! So enjoy each moment of your personal journey.

All the best,


P.S.  To receive a copy of my Free Special Report giving '7 Vital Steps to Overcome Your Fears and Handle Whatever Happens in Life' enter your name and e-mail address in the form on the right hand side of the blog.

Saturday, 21 November 2009

The next phase of my life

I've attended a couple of seminars recently which have helped me to decide exactly what I want to focus on for the next stage of my life. I also feel totally happy, content and pleased with where I am now. I have achieved the vision I saw quite a few years ago. I don't remember when exactly that I started to realise that I wanted to work for myself and earn a good income for part time hours. However, I know that in 1998 when I delivered my first training event and found something that I absolutely love doing, I started to plan my way forward. I grabbed any opportunity available to learn and get qualifications including in house training events to enhance my skills as a trainer to external qualifications such as CIPD, BA(Hons), MBTI accreditation.

Then when there was a hint of redundancy I positioned myself so that I would be offered an exit package. It was a while coming however, in December 2006 I was offered that package. I had a few seconds of that internal intrepidation and the is this really what I want feeling before signing the forms. It was a scary time even though I wanted it!

Three and half years later I am so incredibly happy with my decision. It was so the right decision for me. My personal development has been awesome since then as I have learned all about the business world....quite a difference to the safety and security of the Civil Service, where you are almost guaranteed a job for life and of course a reasonable pension. I have met such marvellous, inspiring people. I have a a wider network of friends who support each other. Life is amazing.

I am equally excited about the next phase of my life as I work with my new mentor to move me forward. You will start to see changes very soon to everything that is Noelyne Jones.

I can hardly wait.....


Supporting you to overcome your challenges and be the best that you can be.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

I like the typo!

The problem with iphone is that sometimes you don't notice the typing error however, I quite like the lust of life criteria.....instead of list...

Easy to stay in touch

Technology makes life so easy which I like! Easy is now in my lust of
life criteria.

Sent from my iPhone

Wild women get what they want!

If you've been following me on twitter and facebook you will have a sense of the AMAZING weekend I have just had. Thank you Stephanie Hale for organising such a wonderful event. I'm talking about Millionaire Bootcamp for Women of course. It's so refreshing to spend time with highly succesful powerful women. There's zest and enthusiasm for life certainly rubs off. I'm fired up and motivated.

I've shared some of the key points for me in my newsletter which by the way is FREE to subscribe to just go to and enter your email and it will be sent to you. Packed full of hints and tips to ensure you get what you want in life not what someone else wants!

I made a decision to invest in a mentor this weekend as I need to learn all about internet marketing. I've dabbled for too long. I love it but now I need to have a strategy to move me forward. By the way I am actually very happy with where I am, who I am and where I'm heading too. When I focus on things that I want that are in my control magic happens.

If you want to join me in my success look out for my new Membership site which is going to be exclusively for women wanting to be the best that they can be.

See you there
