Friday 30 January 2015

How to Influence Others

A Message from Noelyne....

I'm running a number of Influencing skills courses over the next few weeks so I thought it might be useful to share a few tips with you.

The quality of our relationships is key to the level of our success. Therefore, the ability to influence others in a positive way is vital to achieving the best for all. It's not about always getting what you want, as that would be aggressive behaviour. It's not about letting others have what they want either as that's passive behaviour. I am talking about influencing people in an assertive manner so that everyone wins. It's about collaborating and getting the best for all parties involved.  This can apply to any situation including personal relationships, work  and business relationships.

The first thing to realise is that you cannot control other people.  The only thing you can control is yourself, your own behaviour.  So the way you behave is the way you can influence others.  You also have to accept that there are things outside your control that may be of concern to you and may affect you, however, you have no control over. I'm thinking things such as legislation, law, the weather, levels of pay, policy and procedures (Of course it depends on your role and position too as the higher up the chain you get then the more influence you may have e.g. an MP is more likely to be able to influence legislation)

So influencing others is all about the way you behave towards others and the decisions you make. And that's where is gets interesting as you can make conscious decisions to influence others.  Most retail businesses are constantly trying to influence us to purchase their products through adverts in TV, on-line, social media, post etc etc.

In the workplace you are influencing your team and colleagues to work harder and smarter and to achieve business goals.  At home you are influencing your loved ones for all sorts of reasons including doing their fair share of housework, decisions on holiday destinations and what to do at the weekend, even what to watch on TV.

So wouldn't it be great to have a few tips up your sleeve to help achieve your goals more effectively, whilst still getting a win/win for everyone?

I'll be sharing tips over the next few weeks. As a starter you can download a free report on confidence boosting tips by entering your name and e-mail in the boxes on the right hand side of the page.

Enjoy the process of life


P.S. Request your Free Report now by entering your name and email in the boxes provided. Thank you!

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