I recently attended an international seminar for leaders where one of the key speakers was Bill Hybels, Founder and Senior Pastor at Willow Creek Church Illinois. Here are the key messages that I took away:
1. Vision casting creates passion
Sometimes it's not easy to get people to buy into the vision so you need to flip it and build a case of why we can't stay here.
2. Leaders build teams to achieve the vision
The 5 C's of what leaders need to look for when recruiting.
Culture of organisation and fit of individual
Calling to the purpose of the organisation keeps you in the game
It's about moving from Good to better to great to fantastic.
Stay faithful.
3. Do regular reviews of your staff. Ask yourself...
Who could you not afford to lose? Consider the people at the bottom of the list and ask yourself what's causing them to be there? Is it them? Is it you? Are they being sufficiently challenged? Are the over or under challenged?
4. Challenge.
High achievers kept under challenged will
leave. Seriously over challenged will go sick.
Appropriately challenged will plod along so the best performance is achieved when people are just above
appropriately challenged.
5. Self leadership
When you are on empty it's your job to replenish yourself.
Patience, vision, humour and fun.