Sunday, 19 May 2013

4 Secrets To Leadership Success

Keynote speaker Chris Hyman, CEO SERCO.


In his speech at the HTB Leadership conference Chris Hyman, survivor of 7/11, and mega successful CEO of SERCO described his 4 key areas for success in leadership.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Leadership Tips From A Mega Successful Church Leader

I recently attended an international seminar for leaders where one of the key speakers was Bill Hybels, Founder and Senior Pastor at Willow Creek Church Illinois.  Here are the key messages that I took away:

1. Vision casting creates passion
Sometimes it's not easy to get people to buy into the vision so you need to flip it and build a case of why we can't stay here.

2. Leaders build teams to achieve the vision
 The 5 C's of what leaders need to look for when recruiting.
Culture of organisation and fit of individual
Calling to the purpose of the organisation keeps you in the game

It's about moving from Good to better to great to fantastic.
Stay faithful. 

3. Do regular reviews of your staff.  Ask yourself...

Who could you not afford to lose? Consider the people at the bottom of the list and ask yourself what's causing them to be there?  Is it them?  Is it you?  Are they being sufficiently challenged?  Are the over or under challenged?

4.  Challenge. 

High achievers kept under challenged will leave. Seriously over challenged will go sick.
Appropriately challenged will plod along so the best performance is achieved when people are just above
appropriately challenged.

5. Self leadership
When you are on empty it's your job to replenish yourself. 
Patience, vision, humour and fun.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Leaderships Tips For Team Success

I've recently attended the HTB Leadership conference at the Albert Hall where I was fortunate to listen to many inspirational speakers from the business world.  One such speaker was Patrick Lencioni, President of The Table Group, a Management Consulting firm based in America.  He spoke about his most recent book the 5 Dysfunctions of a team and I have captured the main points here for you:
The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team

1. Absence of Trust
 - vulnerability based trust
- 1 member of team cannot be vulnerable it will spread like a virus. The leader needs to go first!

2. Fear of Conflict
Make sure your team are not holding back.
Failing to disagree is dooming that relationship to failure.

3. Lack of commitment
Waiting for Consensus not good. Takes too long. Disagree then commit. Rarely get natural consensus.  leaders Need to break the tie. If people don't disagree they don't commit they passively agree then go back to their departments and say 'I'm not sure if that will work'

4. Avoidance of Accountability 
Where this is no commitment people will not hold each other accountable.  Where there is no accountability for behaviours there is a dysfunctional team. Behavioural accountability - leaders don't do this! They do hold them accountable for the numbers.
If you love someone hold them accountable.

5. In attention to results - focus on collective results

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Friday, 3 May 2013

The Seeds Of Success Start With Clarity

A Message from Noelyne...

When you are clear about what you want in life then you will be successful.  Clarity is the starting point.  Get clear about what you want to do, be or have, believe that you can achieve it with all your heart and then take action to move you towards achievement of your goal.

Without clarity you can still take action however, it will not be focused on what you want so you could end up anywhere.  You could end up where you definitely do not want to be. For example, if you have no idea what you want to be or do when you leave school you will probably end up in a job doing something you didn't necessarily want to do.  You end up drifting with no real purpose.  Some of you may be thinking, where's the problem there?  And for many people that is perfectly acceptable.

However, if you have a desire to make a difference and to have the best life possible it start with getting clear about who you are, who you want to be, what you want to do and have.  When you follow your heart your life becomes delicious.  Life is much easier when you are happy in your own skin and what you choose to be and do.  When you are happy you are naturally attractive and so attract more of what you want. It's that simple!

And always, always be grateful for who you are and where you are and what you have, no matter what happens develop and attitude of gratitude.

Enjoy the process of life

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