Saturday 26 January 2013

How to forgive and forget

Asking For Forgiveness
Asking For Forgiveness (Photo credit: hang_in_there)
A Message from Noelyne....
Do you still feel hurt as a result of what someone close has done to you?  Maybe a family member or friend betrayed you?  Do you feel resentment towards someone because they let you down? Every time you think of them you feel hurt, or anger or upset.  In fact you find it difficult to get this person out of your mind and find yourself dwelling on what happened.  You may even feel rejected and unloved.  And what’s worse is that the person concerned seems to be getting on with their lives as if nothing happened.

Does this resonate with you?

It’s not easy to come to terms with a breakdown in a relationship particularly if the other person made the choice to do what they did. The trust that you once had for this person will have gone completely and it’s not easy to learn to trust that person again for fear that they will repeat the behaviour and you will end up feeling hurt again.

The problem with feeling hurt or resentment or anger about the situation is that the only person who is being affected is you.  By re-living the experience day after day you are keeping what happened in the past alive in the present.  You are allowing that negative experience to affect you now.  The thoughts that you have now not only create your current reality they also create your future.  What you focus on expands.  You are creating more negativity in your life.

How to break the pattern

1. You need to want to move on.
2. Write a letter to the person telling them how you feel, write down all the things you would like to say to them, really allow all your emotions and thoughts to flow out onto the paper.  Once the letter is written you can burn it.  You are not going to actually send it to the person.  This works really well for people who have passed away and you didn’t get a chance to speak with them.
3. To be able to move on you need to forgive the person.  Straight away I hear you saying ‘There’s no way I can forgive’.  And if you feel strongly about that then Yes you are absolutely right, you won’t choose to forgive and you will stay stuck where you are.  Forgiveness is that powerful.  Let me explain I am not asking you to actually speak to the person concerned, although you can if you wish.  The first step is to forgive the person in your mind and then out loud.  Says the words and then let go.
4. Repeat the process if necessary.
5. Choose to think positive thoughts about your life.  Start to dream of the life that you want.

It’s time for you to stop allowing that person to continue to influence your life in a negative way.

It's time for you to enjoy the process of life,

P.S. Sign up for my Free Report to Boost Your Confidence Now. Just enter your name and e-mail in the boxes for instant download.

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