Friday, 28 November 2008
Do you know someone who is facing or being made redundant?
I have a FREE article my TOP 10 tips for survivng redundancy. If you would like a copy or know of someone who does then contact me at to request your FREE article.
Here's to new opportunities
Kind regards,
Noelyne Jones
Professional Trainer and Coach
Monday, 24 November 2008
Why I've not been blogging!
Another milestone achieved! For the last six weeks I have been busy promoting our new Health Wealth and Charisma seminars, which has been a big deal for me.
I successfully delivered a session on Health and Well-being to a group of ladies attending our Health, Wealth and Charisma event in
What’s so fantastic about that? Well, the workshops that I am normally involved in are for Organisations or Companies where I am asked to deliver training and development to a group of Managers to aid their learning and ultimately to improve performance and profits/ achievement of targets. The training can be material provided by the organisation or content that I have designed following a training needs analysis of the situation/problem.
The difference last Saturday is that I was sharing my personal approach to creating Health and Well-being. I chose some key points that I have learned and experienced that have worked for me, to share with the group. I had no idea as to whether this is what they were expecting and or whether they wanted this as I had not met these people before. I was opening myself up to complete strangers who could have chosen to ridicule me. As it happens the feedback was tremendous with each participant having got something from the session.
On reflection I know that I can make it even better, which of course is what I will do when we deliver the next event in February 2009.