Sunday, 11 September 2011

What's the purpose of my blog?

A Message from Noelyne....

During July and August this year I have not found time to blog.  I ran out of steam in terms of ideas and content for the blog.  My motivation to share my thoughts with you had disappeared.  It was no longer a priority and other stuff became more important.   So the Summer has come and gone and there's been not a pip or a squeak from Noelyne Jones The Performance Specialist.

Whilst on holiday I did briefly feel a little bit disappointed that I had not composed a few messages in advance. Google likes blogs that are regularly contributed to.  So if you want imporve the chances of your blog being found you need to blog regularly.  So I had just thrown all my hard work into a cocked hat.  I also felt demoralised by my lack of progress in terms of the original purpose for starting a blog.  It was all part of my on-line marketing strategy to build a successful on-line business.  The blog is meant to attract people who are interested in what I write, they request some Free information which gives me permission to send additional information direct to them and eventually some people will buy my products.  I've had a few successes however, I expected more.

I started this blog saying that I need to review the purpose of my blog.  Actually the purpose is still the same.  What do I need to review? The number of hits on the blog? The lack of sales? The marketing strategy?  The content?  Where do I start?

Let's define the problem.  I am not achieving the outcome I was looking for i.e. people joining my monthly membership club.

Why are people not joining my membership club?  I don't know!  How can I find out?

I have a list of people who have requested the Free Report so I could ask them the question.  I need some feedback on the product.  Maybe I could offer 1 month Free Trial.

Thanks for listening.  Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here
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Saturday, 10 September 2011

What's your purpose?

A Message from Noelyne.... 

When you have a strong purpose for what you are choosing to do then it's much easier to keep going when the going gets tough. Maybe you are not getting the results you expected so you are starting to wonder what's the point?

It's very easy to give up when you have lost sight of the purpose or you are just not achieving as much as you had hoped. You feel as though you are wasting valuable time and effort.

If you continue to get poor results rather than give up and pack it all in, take time to review the situation. What is going well? What could be even better? What mistakes have you made? What feedback have you received? As you answer these questions a solution will start to emerge. What do you need to do differently? What more information or reserach do you need to do?

'If you keep on doing what you have always done you will keep on getting what you've always got'
'Winners never Quit and Quitters never Win'.

So what do you need to do differently to get back on purpose and achieve better results?

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report and Overcome Your Fears Now