Friday, 29 June 2007

Time Management

So here we are half way through the year, longest day and midsummer already celebrated……….people flooded out and stranded, four people sadly have lost their lives. It really brings it home to me about the importance of making the most of every moment as even with goal setting and planning you can not be sure what is around the corner.

Some time ago I vowed that whatever I choose to do I would make sure that I have fun at the same time. So far so good as I truly enjoy the things I choose to do, although I still appreciate that there will be times of sadness particularly the loss of loved ones.

I am not so sure that I have cracked this Time Management mullarkey either……I’m particularly good at telling other people how to manage time (I run courses in Leadership which include Time Management tips) and yet here we are with only *** shopping days until Christmas. Sorry I absolutely detest it when someone says that to me and I certainly have not got time to calculate how many days!!

So as my blogs this week are a little like buses…..none for a couple of weeks and then two turn up at once, I’ve decided I need to focus on improving my time management and start making even better use of every moment so that when I am sat having that coffee and an inspiring thought pops into my mind I’ll capture it there and then for inclusion in my blog. A friend of mine always has a notepad next to the ironing board for just that purpose…….I just find it much more inspiring to have a glass of wine next to my iron.

Here’s to much more effective management and enjoyment of time.


P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears

Who am I?

Identity? What does that mean? Are you an individual or just one of the crowd?
Have you ever taken time out to consider the question ‘Who am I?’
Do you know who you are and what makes you tick?
Do you know what you value in life and what’s important to you?
Do you know what you want in life?
Do you know when people have crossed your boundaries?
If you answered yes to some or all of those questions then you are well on your way to creating the life you want and deserve. You know the sort of things that you enjoy and take time out to relax and have fun. You know what is important to you and how to prioritise when making life changing and everyday decisions. You know when someone has stepped over the mark and feel confident about saying something because you value yourself and your feelings.

If you answered No to any of the questions ask yourself…..
How happy are you with your life?
How effective are the relationships you have?
How do you know when to tell someone their behaviour is unacceptable?
How effective are the decisions and action you take and the results that you get?
Take a few moments now to write down a few sentences to describe who you are?

What do you value in life?

What are your wildest dreams?
As for me…..I am a continually evolving and developing human being, a gorgeous woman, girlfriend, daughter, sister, friend, colleague and business woman. I value my family and friends above all……there’s loads more about me…maybe another time.
Anyway this is about YOU……

Have fun and enjoy life,


Friday, 8 June 2007

What motivated me to be a Life Coach?

Just recently a number of people have asked me what made me become a Life Coach……..the quick answer would be to say completing the Life Coaching Diploma with Achievement Specialists. However, as ever there’s a lot more to it than that. Completing the course was just one of many important decisions that I made along the way. Studying Life Coaching has further confirmed my commitment and belief in the power of coaching to enhance not only my own life, also the lives of my family, friends, associates and clients.

Now I could say that my journey started when I was born and as interesting as it would be for you to read all about my life’s up and downs……we would be here a long time! And as I am ever conscious of how precious our time is then I’ll cut a long story short.

I became a professional development trainer in the late 1990’s and soon after became involved in coaching leaders within the public sector to enhance their leadership, motivation and performance. My confidence grew incredibly both personally and as a leader and I soon recognised how useful a tool this coaching is. Coaching within the corporate environment tends to focus on performance at work. A series of personal changes and challenges then sent my self-esteem and confidence plummeting although I didn’t realise by just how much at the time. 

It was after being introduced to a Life coach who helped me to realise that I was in a rut with no sense of purpose. After just one session with my coach I started setting goals and taking action to create the life I deserve. I had six sessions with my coach and since then I have trained as a Life Coach and NLP coach. I have left full time employment and now run my own successful Training and Coaching practice. I also run a part-time holistic therapies business and have added Indian Head Massage to my portfolio. I am in a wonderful relationship again and absolutely love waking up to a new day…….a far cry from where I was just two years ago.

So ‘What motivated me to be a Life Coach?’ Realising the power of coaching, being coached by a great coach and knowing that I wanted to master this skill so that I could use it to enhance the lives of others.

Please call me now for more information.

Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears