You keep trying your best but the results just don't happen for you?
If you have a less than effective experience or you don't get the results you were looking for you may be feeling disappointed, frustrated, annoyed with yourself, low confidence etc etc.
Remember I said to let go of the outcome. Now is the time to do that. Congratulate yourself on having taken the action, having a go. It's more than many people will have done. Ok it didn't turn out exactly how you wanted it but so what? Maybe you expected too much yourself. High expectations often set you up for failure whether it's high expectations of yourself or someone else.
You can control your own behaviour and so long as you have done your best in a situation then you cannot control the results particularly if the outcome is dependent on someone else. For example, you apply for a job by making sure you have an excellent CV and application form, you get an interview as a result. You prepare for the interview and do your best on the day however, you don't get the job. Clearly you are going to be disappointed particularly if it was a job you were really keen on. By the way avoid setting your heart on something e.g a specific job, a new house If you don't get it you will end up feeling distraught. Ok back to the job you didn't get. Always ask the company for feedback to find out what you could improve on. Review your performance yourself and see if there is anything you can do differently next time. Turn a negative experience into a positive one. Something better will come along. Trust me. Persistence is key though. Don't allow setbacks to put you off.
"Winners never quit and Quitters never win!"
The Experiential Learning Cycle
1. Experience - What happened?
2. Reflect - What went well? What could have been even better?
3. Theorise/Generalise - What could I do differently next time? What have others done in the same situation and were successful?
4. Plan to do it differently next time.
Keep repeating this cycle so that you continue to learn and grow. Life is one big long learning journey.
Enjoy the process
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Sign up for my Free Special Report to Overcome your Fears now and fast forward to success.
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