Thursday 21 January 2010

How to Stop Fearful Thoughts

First of all let's consider 'What is a thought?'. Is it something tangible that you can get hold of? No it's not. Here's wikipedia's definition of thought.

Thought and thinking are mental forms and processes,respectively ("thought" is both). Thinking allows beings to model the world and to represent it according to their objectives, plans, ends and desires. Words referring to similar concepts and processes include cognition, sentience, consciousness, idea, and imagination.

Your thoughts are often directly related to your beliefs about life. And of course beliefs are not tangible either as they are also thoughts that we hold to be true based on many factors such as our upbringing, education, the media, friends and family etc. Belief in your self comes from the thoughts that you have about yourself.

Your thoughts are one of the few things that you can control in life so ask yourself the question 'For what purpose are you having fearful thoughts?'

The answer to that question can be quite revealing and will inform your next action.

Thankfully you can change your thoughts to more positive ones. Awareness is key and as you are already aware of your fearful thoughts the next step is to take responsibility for changing them.

Enjoy the process,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. My membership site is packed full of tips to get you unstuck and moving forward so check it out.

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