Wednesday 13 January 2010

How to overcome a lack of motivation.

How many New Years Resolutions did you make that you have not yet started?  How many things do you intend to do if only you could stop procrastinating and get motivated now?  Still putting things off because of the dark nights and cold weather?  Finding plenty of excuses not to go to the gym or start that diet?

If this sounds familiar then your resolutions and goals are probably not compelling enough.  Ask yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you really want to achieve whatever it is?

If it's anything less than a 10 then your motivation will be lowered.

So how do you stop procrastinating and get motivated?

The clearer you are on what you want and the brighter the picture you can create will raise your level of commitment and motivation. What I mean is a technique called 'Visualisation'.  Have a go at the following exercise:
Choose a goal that you would like to achieve or something that you have been meaning to do but have just not got around to it. 
Take a few deep breaths, relax and then ask yourself:-
How committed are you to doing well on a scale of 1 – 10 with 1 being low and 10 high?  Be honest with yourself, it's the best policy!
Now I want you to imagine you have just completed the task and have done really, really well. 
What can you see happening?
What are you saying to yourself?
What are others saying to you?
How do you feel?
What are the benefits of you doing well?
What are the consequences of not doing well?
What did you have to do to achieve your goal?
What obstacles might get in the way of you achieving this?
(If it’s a belief that you can’t do well, change it to I can and I will do well – it’s your choice)
Close your eyes now and picture what success looks like.  Imagine how you will feel once you have achieved it. 
Open your eyes.
Now on a scale of 1 – 10 how committed are you to doing well?
If your score is still below 7 then your goal is not sufficiently compelling.  You may want to change the goal.
While you were answering the questions you may have thought of some things that you need to do so write them down now.  Choose the three most important and...

Go do them!

If not now?  When?

Keep visualising the end goal to help keep you motivated.  Put a picture of whatever it is that you want to achieve on a wall where you will se it regularly or create a vision board.

Enjoy the process!


P.S.  Sign up for my Free Report on overcoming your fears and automatically receive new special offers and freebies.

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