The book is written with a focus on Business relationships and a lovely combination of personal relationship anecdotes so you gain ideas for both perspectives. The key message is that where you have high levels of trust in an organisation or relationship then things get done quickly and there are greater levels of achievement and success. Where there are low levels of trust in an organisation this leads to suspicion, rumours, doubt, slower decision making, power struggles and a higher cost to the organisation leading to less success. Having worked in both types of organisations I know which I prefer!
Whilst reading the book the penny dropped into place for me about the personal relationships that have broken down for me. In all cases the other person had crossed one of my boundaries or broken one of my rules/values in life and as a result my level of trust in that person had plummeted leading to the end of the relationship.
Stpehen suggests that trust can be regained in certain circumstances. I am currently working on trusting again someone who crossed one of my boundaries. This person is very important to me so I am trusting that it will lead to an even stronger, better relationship. I am not in control of the outcome however, in ten years time I would regret not doing my best to rebuild the relationship, no matter what the outcome.
I'll keep you upated with my progress.
Enjoy the process!
Noelyne Jones
P.S. To purchase 'The Speed of Trust' click here The Speed of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything
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