You have probably heard the saying 'Curiosity killed the Cat' which has the meaning 'Inquisitiveness can lead one into dangerous situations.' If you were brought up with this sort of belief then you probably tend not to ask questions and accept what happens for fear of getting into trouble or rocking the boat. Sound familiar? I know it did for me. Trust me that the inquisitive people get ahead. They are the ones that get noticed and get what they want.
Ok so what's this got to do with your emotions? Well I want you to get curious about your emotions. Don't push them to one side and hope they will go away. Your emotions are telling you something so stop and ask yourself what it is that's not right. I cover this in more detail in my Free Special Report so why not sign up for it now to find out more on how to overcome your negative emotions.
Enjoy the process,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. I can recommend Susan Jeffers book 'Feel the Fear and do it Anyway' to further aid your understanding on this topic. Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway: How to Turn Your Fear and Indecision into Confidence and Action
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