Friday 29 January 2010

How to overcome a lack of motivation

A Message from Noelyne Jones.....


Knowing why we are doing something.  What makes us take action?

Even if a goal has been set by someone else it is important to know your own reason for wanting to achieve that goal and keep you moving forward to success.  You can have as many dreams and even goals as you want and if you can establish your reason for pursuing that goal or dream you are much more likely to achieve it. 
Stephen Covey recommends we ‘start with the end in mind’ because knowing what it is that you want to achieve and why increases your motivation and therefore, your chances of success.

How do we do that?

Consider Mount Everest climbers

They know what their end goal is – where they want to go – the summit of Mount Everest.
They also need to know what their short term goals are on the way up to the summit.
Preparation beforehand, planning the route, then they set off to base camp.
Break down the goal into manageable steps and work towards achieving them one at a time.
The summit doesn’t look as high from half way up.

We don’t start off feeling confident however, if we can capture what it feels like to be confident, knowing what we have to do we are more likely to achieve the goal.

To raise your self-confidence levels I want to encourage you to use the following visualisation exercise:

Stand up and have a good stretch

Choose one of your current goals to focus on:

Close your eyes

How committed are you to doing well on a scale of 1 – 10?

Imagine you have just completed the task and have done really really well.

What can you see happening?
What are you saying to yourself?
What are others saying to you?
How do you feel?

What are the benefits of you doing well?
What are the benefits to your team?
What are the consequences of not doing well?
What did you have to do to achieve this high grade?
What obstacles might get in the way of you achieving this?

(If it’s a belief that you can’t do well, change it to I can and I will do well – it’s your choice)

Now on a scale of 1 – 10 how committed are you to doing well?

Open your eyes and sit down

Write down 3 things that you need to do to achieve the goal you want.

Did your score increase after visualising doing really well?
What benefits did you gain from doing that exercise?

Enjoy the process!

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here

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