Sunday 20 December 2009

How to avoid feeling disappointed with what happens

If you want to avoid feeling disappointed with what happens in life then you need to learn to let go of the outcome.  Learning to let go of the outcome is so important. It's amazing what happens when you no longer need whatever it is that you crave or are desperate for. The Universe doesn't like desperate as it puts you in a non-resourceful state and closes you to opportunity. Once you let go the Universe works it's magic.

Give it a go. Admit to yourself that you are desperate for whatever it is that you don't have in your life and then let go of that feeling. It really doesn't matter. Be happy with who and where you are right now. Relax and enjoy the moment. Smile too, it changes your physiology instantly.

I'll cover this subject more tomorrow as I know it's not easy to let go now.

All the best,


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