Saturday 20 February 2010

How to overcome low self esteem

A message from Noelyne....
Has your confidence taken a battering lately?  Are you feeling low?  Life events can take their toll on you and without realising you can end up with low self-esteem.  You really feel as though life is stacked against you and you have no control. Things have not turned out how you expected or perhaps you didn't see things coming, like your partner leaving you for someone else.  Perhaps you are feeling a failure at home and in your job.

Thankfully self-esteem can be improved quite easily.  

1.  The first thing is to recognise that you do have low self-esteem.  You can do this by listening to your inner critic, a voice that constantly comments on your behaviour with things like "You're rubbish" or You're a fool or "You can't do that".  Become aware of that voice and see if you recognise it.  Often it's voice from our childhood such as a parent or school teacher.

2.  Tell the critic to "Shut Up".  Every time you hear the voice tell it to stop.
3.  Focus in what you have done well rather than things that could be better.  Make a list of all the things that you are good at.  Remember all the achievements and success you have had in your life.  Get into the habit of keeping a success diary, maybe once a week find 10 minutes to sit down, have a cup of tea and write down all that has gone well this week.
4.  Regularly tell yourself that you are good enough and that you can do it.  Get into the habit of repeating an affirmation that feels right for you for example, I am good enough, I can do it, I love and approve of myself.

Little by little you will start to feel better about yourself.  Your confidence will start to grow again.  As soon as you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts, change them for positive ones.  It is one of the few things you can control.

Enjoy the process of life, 

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears

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